I’m with nowwhat? as to regarding my PIMI JW father. The preaching work is moving at chariot speed. Lots of new ones coming in. Etc. To be fair we haven’t had the sell offs and mergers in my fathers area like I’m hearing is taking place over seas. I think if the local hall got sold here which required a 45min drive to get to the next hall it could go some way to waking him up.
What is the current pulse in the organization with the reductions?
by SouthCentral 53 Replies latest jw friends
An Elder who is Partially handicapped, informed me that he was reassigned to a KH 20 miles away from his home. It’s hard to believe that this is happening without resistance. He said it was also the organization could save on electrical cost. This now allows every kingdom hall to be closer to capacity. I told him, unfortunately it’s at your expense!
How do people clearly see that the emperor has no clothes on and willingly keep quiet about it for 30+years. Even when it causes a hardship upon them!
Everyone I know is oblivious as ever and convinced the end imminent. Business as usual
also the whole ‘cart witnessing taking over’ thing is overblown. Few are involved. Its not a big thing to most of them since they are not involved, and thats coming from the perspective of a metropolitan area with a ton of cart witnessing. Its probably even less important in outlying areas.
The earth spins on and so does the org. We here on the board make much more of it from an outside perspective.
There are still some zealots in my area. Some Pioneer Elders, Pioneer Elder Wives, and my Wife. The majority are social witnesses.
As I just mentioned on another thread, I haven't seen the carts around at all this summer. I have never had a JW at the door (we are in town), just a visiting couple once. (That was weird, not sure where they were from.)
There's been some mention of service, but it was also admitted that they like to drive around in fringe areas and waste time. No one mentions any studies.
I'd say energy seems pretty low here. BUT I don't ask because I don't want to appear too interested, I just listen to the chatter.
Starting carts in our hall, 11 baptized out of the 2300 in attendance at the 3 day.. most of audience made up of elderly, I would say that within 5 years most of them will be gone and the initiation rate is slow so we are now waiting for halls to be assimilated as they are removing chairs to the storage and making it look like we have a full house now... recent meetings show 50-65% attendance. -- in my hall at least
Service is a routine - little of a territory done, rvs and breaks.. some studies. One study in our hall from world baptized, i re instated,
Im in a busy metropolitan area and we havent had any door knockers on our street for 3 years or more to my knowledge. We had s cart outside our local hospitsl a couple of years ago until they were run off by administration (young athiest girl who was horrified that they were trying to take advantage of the vulnerable patients, and as I was talking to them on my crutches it didnt look too good. I havent seen them there since !)
The chap I spoke to was a new convert, a simple man with 9 kids to 5 different women, he fully knew about the child abuse issues and had family who were witnesses. As his life wasnt working out too well (drugs) I guess it was his last hoorah, with the jws. Didn't have the heart to unwitness to him given his circumstances, at the time, except warn him about the peado issues.
Pathetic you have to have a lecture on how to stand still and smile for 2-3 hours
That's what they're supposed to do in the cart work? Somebody better tell the pioneers in NYC that fill the subway stations with their carts and table set ups. The cart is usually four to five feet away from the sisters supposedly manning it, and they're just chatting away, wouldn't even notice if someone was interested.
Does everyone in the Cong get a cart if they're a publisher - "you get a cart! you get a cart! you get a cart!"
I have heard that one has to be "trained" and then request approval form the serve us committee. Even IF I were PIMI and interested in cart time I would not. It was Jesus that said to "GO", not three nitwit elders who wouldn't have a clue even if it were given to them free.
It's like the pioneer title. Tell them they be trained och it's a privilege they stand in line for it. All the silly brainwashing they been up to it's coming back to hunt them. The publisher has gotten brain fog and it's not responding anymore. Lights out.