My mother called me last night an begged me to go to the meeting tomarrow. She has asked me to go numerous times during the last year,and I have made excuses everytime of why i can't attend. Last night she begged so I'm thinking that theres either a local needs talk that she wants me to hear or its the CO visit. After putting a huge guilt trip on me, and telling me how much everyone misses me at the kingdom hall (yeah right), and how I'll make her and my father sooo happy if I show up,I told her I would be there. Now i am really scared, my hands are shaking, I am nervous as Hell. I really do not want to go. I am already nervous about attending the memorial and this just makes it worse. I want to back out but I don't want to hurt my parents. I hate this!!!! I wish I was strong enough to tell them that I am very happy NOT being involved with the JW's, I don't want to attend any meetings, and that I'm only doing it to make them happy. I am starting to hope that i get DA'd so that I don't have to deal with it anymore. But I would like to keep communicating with my family so DA'ing myself is outta the question right now. I started looking into other religions and would like to attend a couple of different churches but this whole getting da'd over it and losing my family is keeping me from moving on. I'm tired......
sorry.. needed to vent