Well I survived. Going back just reassured me that I made the right the decision to leave the org.
First I want to say that sitting through the meeting was like sitting through two hours of a first grade class.
The student talks were absolutley horrible. I kid you not. The1st student talk was given by two sisters on the subject of "Why Jehovahs Witnessnes do not Worship Jesus". The sister stammered through the entire talk, forgot what scriptures she was going o look up, and got her notes all mixed up so she lost her place. I certainly didn't get much out the talk, and her housholder certainly wouldn't if this was for real. Isn't the purpose of the ministry school supposed to prepare students to anwer questions they are confronted with in the field ministry?
The second student talk was the Bible reading. There was no indtroduction, no discussion of the scripture and no closing. The brother just walk onto the platfom and said "Please turn to John chapter 3 and we'll read versus 1-23." I could'nt help but wonder if this is part of the new ministry school arrangement. Has the society made it a no-no for a student to discuss the scriptures he is reading? Could it be that they are afraid that one of the students may have a different interpretation of the scriptures then they do?
By the way, there was counsel givin to these students during he meeting and it was praise for doing such a fine job.
I was bored during the service meeting. Same old DO MORE IN THE FIELD MINISTY stuff. During the announcements I barrowed my mom's KM and read the entire thing during the first 10 minutes. The article on the first page was on the upcoming memorial. I found it odd that Jesus' name was only mentioned once and Jehovahs name 12 times. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the memorial about remembering Jesus, and showing apprecition for what he did for us? The focus of KM artcle was not on jesus. It was on how we can show appreciation to Jehovah by going out in service and inviting everyone we can to the memorial.
After the announcements there was a talk given on bad association. The bother giving the talk spoke to us like we we're little kids. The main message of this was that everyone who is not a Jehovahs Witness is not a friend of Jehovah. That makes them Jehovahs enemy. Would you want to friends with someone who is an enemy of Jehovah?
Another thing I noticed is that during the entire meeting, only these scriptures were read: John 3:16 , Danial 2:44, Matthew 4:10 and 1Cor 15:33. Why is it that Jw's put so much focus on these four scripures and just skim over the rest of the bible?
Well that about sums it up. No one really bothered me. I got a couple of "Its good to see you" but thats about it. Most everyone else avoided me.