I was about 36 years old then and a MS., it had been building up since the publication of the book " Life Everlasting In Freedom Of The Sons Of God" ? pointing out that in their view 6000 years of mans existence would end in 1975.
Little did I know then that it was not the first time they had predicted the 6000 years ended at another date.
The organization spoke out both sides of their mouth at this time , they alluded to Jesus Christ taking up his power as the enthroned king and beginning his rule over earth being an appropiate time for him to do so , 6000 years of Satans rule and the 1000 years reign of Christ Jesus to follow.
Remember they had a 7000 years as a creative day back then ,6000 years under Satans rule and the last 1000 years under Christ Jesus rule., so it would be appropiate that Jesus Christ would take up his Kingly power in 1975.
Or close by to that date , they then said it could come earlier than 1975 or it could come after 1975 but it would not be years , it would only be a matter of months .
Then after the event had come and past they put the blame on the Rank & file for running ahead of themselves and jumping to wrong conclusions absolving themselves of any blame.
That was the first time I had a dint in my faith , but it still took many, many years before I spat the dummy.
My wife & I, my 2 boys ,my DIL , my SIL and her 2 kids , my nephew , my grandson ,are all free of the Borg.
Their is just one neice and her family who is still under the control of the Borg.