I was just a child then but I remember the atmosphere. My parents got taken in by all the hype & my father ended up giving up his job and selling our house in 1973 after the district convention & moving hundreds of miles away to serve out the last few months "where the need was greater". He showed me a notebook once where he had calculated how the family savings would last till 1976 ( Fred Franz had allowed a degree of wiggle room of a year or so so my father thought it would be prudent ).
Of course nothing happened & that generation who knew what really happened has pretty much died off now or are very elderly ( my father has died & my mother is late 80's ) & the WTBTS has in true "Big Brother" fashion thoroughly revised their history to imply that people were "running ahead of the Society" and "setting dates". Their main tactic is the usual one that Albert Shroeder of the GB described of not mentioning it & hoping people just forget about it.
The new JW generation are hardly aware of it nowadays and it is rarely spoken of. I remember about 10 years ago in the ministry a householder mentioned that "you people said the world would end in 1975" and my companion who was doing the door, a MS in his mid 20's , had never even heard of the 1975 JW prediction and was totally baffled. Afterwards in the car I gave him the gist of what happened & the effect on my family & the JWs back then and it was totally new to him. I suggested he read some of the Watchtowers etc around that period but I don't know if he ever bothered.