Please.....learn from my mistakes:
Don't highlight your hair at home with one of those new "kits" that offers hair color and highlighting.
My mistake: Not knowing how to highlight. When the damage was done, I looked like a giant penny was on my head....copper on the top, brown at the bottom.
$160.00 later, plus tip, for corrective color has taught me one thing: let the experts do it.
I now sport a lovely medium brown with carmel highlights. I tried to save $50.00 by doing it at home. It ended up costing $230.00 between home and salon.
My advice: Just Don't.
Don't wear a push up bra when playing golf. Your boobs will fall out when your drive off the tee and it is hard to put them back in.
This follows with: wear a sport bra....make them compact as possible. Easier to swing when they are not in the way.
Never look up at the sky during a rain storm when wearing regular mascara. You will regret it.
As I recall all the things I did over the last few days, I will inform. You can have a better life by not following my example!