This has sort of turned into funny stories at the KH, so here are two of mine.
There was a young, single ex-bethelite elder/pioneer in our congregation (too old for me, I was only 15-16) who really was a fun guy. He treated me like a little sister and I had a huge crush on him.
Once, while he was reading for the WT study, I motioned to him that his fly was unzipped as he stood to read. He was so flustered that he had some issues reading, which made several others look at him funny, which caused him to turn red and feel even more sure that he was exposed. After he finished the paragraph and sat down, he realized he was all zipped up. He flipped me off discreetly. He was pulled aside after the meeting and was sure that he was caught. He was counseled about distracting young sisters during the meeting. (close call)
Another time, he asked me last minute to be his householder for a presentation. He told me to say I was busy and about to go engage in risky behavior of some sort (the WT was on that subject) and then follow his lead through the rest of the presentation. So when he approached the "door" I said I could only stop for a moment because I was on my way to go skydiving. He wasn't expecting that, I guess, because it struck him so funny that he was speechless. The whole cong started giggling at his reaction and he barely made it through the rest of his part.
He was such a great guy and he was treated horribly by our congregation's elders, who wanted him to stay single. He wanted to be married so badly. I keep hoping to run into him on here someday.