Do children still get destroyed at Armageddon?

by Anony Mous 27 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    I know back in the day, that was taught, that if the parents were going to be destroyed, so would the children. I just can't easily find reference to anything. This thinking has been used to justify some egregious behavior towards children and their parents such as exclusion of children from JW family - why worry, the end is near, all will work itself out then - the end didn't come though.

    How would that work if the parents are divorced and one remains a JW but does not have knowledge/custody of the child - would a kid suddenly be popped into the arms of another parent. How about the grandparents or other family, could they suddenly have their household grown by a half dozen kids? What about the emotional damage that comes with that?

    I know again, back in the day, it was explained to me that Jehovah would simply erase the memory of the "bad things", but that seems even more crazy, especially given the footprint children and people leave behind. Why would you not rebel in the 1000 years of purification, would you want to live knowing your life was a lie? Everyone else has 2 parents, but you have just 1 or none at all, logically speaking, you would have to find out that there were 'some' that were erased, who were they, what were they like, what did they do wrong. Or perhaps you can't think those thoughts and won't have free will to ask questions. Paradise seems closer to George Orwell's 1984.

    These things are so messed up if you think about them.

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  • Vidiot

    Since the Bible contains plenty of instances where killing children was condoned by God, why would the prospect of this happening at Armageddon surprise anyone?

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  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    My Book of Bible Stories.

    Or I believe it was the Revelation Climax book( if Im not mistaken) there were children about to be swallowed-up by a flood. Or a kid's teddy bear being swallowed up into a crumbling earth. Denoting that nothing or no one escapes the wrath !!

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  • KalebOutWest

    My weekly neighborhood congregation bookstudy conductor...

    I remember him literally smiling during the book study and saying: "Jehovah has to kill the children too because they will grow up one day and rebel, being angry at Jehovah for killing their parents at Armageddon. So that is why God has to kill them when the day comes. It is only makes sense. That is what a just God would do."

    He would sit and point at those pictures of destruction of people dying and falling into cracks, asking us what lessons we learned from the images of humans losing their lives at the hand of Jehovah.

    This is the same one who used to tell me I wasn't Jewish when I was growing up after I had to live with my aunt and would tell me things like "you Jews are Jesus-murderers" and that the Holocaust was Jehovah's punishment to insult the Jews, etc., etc.

    The man used to sit across from me during our weekly one-on-one Bible studies and show me pictures of Jerusalem and tell me about the unrest in the city and say: "This is what your people deserve for rejecting Jesus as the Messiah."

    The man had some serious problems with bloodlust.

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  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim


    That is the terrible thing with child indoctrination. Because that's all they know.

  • sloppyjoe2

    If children were going to grow up and rebel, they were predestined to do so. If Jehovah can “see” what they will do in the future, that’s predestination.

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  • Biahi

    Kaleb out west I’m surprised that this elder didn’t use the old, “Baby rats grow up to be big adult rats.” analogy.

  • greenhornet

    Oh yes . Children will be destroyed, their dolls there dogs. You better go to the meetings or else. Armageddon horror story in From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained v 1958 p 208

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  • fedup

    JWs pray every day for 8 billion people to get destroyed, 99.9% of the population, so they can play with lions in paradise. God is LOVE

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  • BluesBrother

    This was a big problem for me and a big part of the reason why I awoke to the foolishness of it all.

    However, at the last but one A GM they seemed to revise everything about the end ….Now saying “ We just Don’t Know “. The judging and decisions rest with Jesus.

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