The "New World Order" or whatever expression they chose to use was the Carrot, the fear of Armageddon the stick.
I remember when I was in my late teens walking past an elderly "Brother" who was talking to a friend of mine, a young J.W, who had stopped going to the Meetings, the old Boy said to my friend "You know Armageddon's coming", my young friend just nodded, and I walked on and heard no more. But that was over 60 years ago, the old boy is long dead, as are nearly all of his generation.
"Armageddon" is still "imminent" according to the twisted beliefs of J.W. org. as it has been since the late 19th Century.
The young feller was not daunted by the fear of Armageddon, or tempted by the "promise" of a New World, he never went back to the J.W's. Some years later the guy who had brought him in to the J.W's when he was still a schoolboy, made a trip from overseas where he lived, and made a point of calling on his friend, in an attempt to suck him back in to the J.W's, when he asked the young feller why he no longer was a Witness, the young feller replied "Because it's all a Load of Bollocks".
No longer are most of the the young J.W's tempted by the idea of a New World, and I hope not in fear of a mythical Armageddon, and certainly the Public also think it is all a "Load of Bollocks", so what do the J.W Org. have these days as a product to sell that will appeal ?
That Carrot and Stick no longer work !