New World, New World Order, New System of Things

by blondie 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Phizzy

    The "New World Order" or whatever expression they chose to use was the Carrot, the fear of Armageddon the stick.

    I remember when I was in my late teens walking past an elderly "Brother" who was talking to a friend of mine, a young J.W, who had stopped going to the Meetings, the old Boy said to my friend "You know Armageddon's coming", my young friend just nodded, and I walked on and heard no more. But that was over 60 years ago, the old boy is long dead, as are nearly all of his generation.

    "Armageddon" is still "imminent" according to the twisted beliefs of J.W. org. as it has been since the late 19th Century.

    The young feller was not daunted by the fear of Armageddon, or tempted by the "promise" of a New World, he never went back to the J.W's. Some years later the guy who had brought him in to the J.W's when he was still a schoolboy, made a trip from overseas where he lived, and made a point of calling on his friend, in an attempt to suck him back in to the J.W's, when he asked the young feller why he no longer was a Witness, the young feller replied "Because it's all a Load of Bollocks".

    No longer are most of the the young J.W's tempted by the idea of a New World, and I hope not in fear of a mythical Armageddon, and certainly the Public also think it is all a "Load of Bollocks", so what do the J.W Org. have these days as a product to sell that will appeal ?

    That Carrot and Stick no longer work !

  • Listener

    This website has some interesting information about the history of the New World Order and it goes further back than the 1950s

    It states -

    Anti-Semitic Roots
    Many modern-day conspiracy theories – including the NWO theory – have anti-Semitic origins. Influential groups and movements from the 19th and early 20th centuries are largely to blame for the proliferation of anti-Semitic narratives. Within these narratives, Jewish people are frequently framed as the orchestrators of global events and accused of creating a supranational governing structure for nefarious purposes. These dangerous narratives are still widely promoted today...
    Established throughout Europe and the United States during the 20th century, adherents of Christian Identity purport that they are the true Israelites favored by God. Over time, Christian Identity groups grew in size and embraced more explicit anti-Semitic conspiracy theories due to the publication and popularization of anti-Semitic texts. One such text was the American version of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which falsely argues Jewish elites’ alleged plan for global domination. In conjunction with the Protocols, other conspiracy theories, such as the Zionist Occupied Government (ZOG), spread and began to be widely cited. The onset of World War II only furthered the targeting of Jews during this time period, solidifying the foundation of anti-Semitism in which modern conspiracy theories arose, including the NWO.

    The Youtube channel 'The Watchtower History Channel' did a lot of research about their early Zionism beliefs.

    The Watchtower was originally known as "Zion's Watchtower and Herald of Christ's presence from 1879.

  • WingCommander

    I've only ever heard Old Timers use the term "New Order."

    Growing up in the 80's thru 2000 it was always "The New System of Things."

    In fact, you could gauge how old or rather how long a person had a been JW by the term they used. If someone used "New Order" you know they were either old or in long enough to have studied those older publications because they used it. I'd guess the "Live Forever" book is the publication that got "New System of Things" really rolling and it stuck the longest.

    I've never heard any JW's used the term "New World Order", UNLESS they were referencing something some political outside that was being discussed at the time. Like George Bush using it, or in relation to the United Nations, etc. The closest thing to that in JW-terms was the title of their bible, "The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures", which was pure garbage according Dr. J.R. Mantay. (whom WatchTower misquoted about the deity of the Christ.) Source: the 1986 documentary, "Witnesses of Jehovah" where he was interviewed.

    On a similar tangent, we could start a thread about the evolution of this cult's name throughout it's existence:

    1. Bible Students

    2. IBSA

    3. Jehovah's Witnesses

    4. The WatchTower Society of Pennsylvania

    5. The Society

    6. The Organization

    7. The Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses (mostly seen on WT letterhead correspondence)

    8. JW.borg

  • TonusOH

    WingCommander: Growing up in the 80's thru 2000 it was always "The New System of Things."

    Same here, I always heard it referred to as "the new system" (in Spanish, El Nuevo Sistema). I don't recall ever hearing it referred to as a new order or new world order. When Bush made reference to "a new world order," our JW ears perked up because it sounded a bit like the new system. We just saw it as yet another confirmation that The End was Just Around The Corner.

    Narrator: The end was not just around the corner.

  • Jensus

    The song „Forward, You Witnesses“ contains the chorus:

    „Then, forward, you Witnesses, ever strong of heart!

    Rejoice that in God’s work you too may have a part!

    Go tell far and wide God’s new order is near,

    That e’er long its rich blessings will be here!“

    In the German version the last line reads (translated):

    Soon comes blessing through the new order.

  • HereIam60

    'Forward You Witnesses' was "revised" several years ago. The lines containing "new order" now say...."Go tell far and wide that the paradise is near...And that soon all its blessings will be here..."

  • NotFormer

    "The lines containing "new order" now say...."Go tell far and wide that the paradise is near."

    Of course they edited the reference to God out! 🙄 I'm surprised they didn't try to shoehorn a reference to the GB instead! 🙄🙄🙄

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