Did you ever notice that this site is less active when there are meetings, like tonight Thursday?
Meeting nights
by JH 17 Replies latest jw friends
I don't know about that. There are meeting everyday of the week in my area. Many Halls have three or more congs. sharing them. My book study night was Monday and school and service meetings were Wed. We had groups using the Hall every night. I have noticed that the weekends seem slow. I think it might be because many ex J-dud have lives now! Maverick
I'm not a trolI but I won't be on later tonight either because I'M GOING TO THE MEETING.
I don't think it really makes a big difference. With the capacity to access the forum at any time, from any time zone on the planet, chances are there are JWs at the KH somewhere 24/7.
Love, Scully
JWs at the KH somewhere 24/7.
Now isn't that enough to turn your stomache??? lol
Well, a good number of the people who post here live in the States, and a very large number of them do still attend meetings for various reasons (fading, etc).
So, not surprising in the least...
I'm still not 100% certain what a troll is. But I don't think I am one.
What are you implying, JH? That people who still go to meetings but who post on this board are trolls? What does that mean? I post on this board. If I want to go to a meeting, that's my business. Maybe I am in the process of fading. Maybe I am DFd or DAd and enjoy sitting at the back of the KH being ignored. Maybe I love going to the meetings and am still a loyal JW. So what - does that make me a troll? What does that mean? Can someone enlighten me?
And, as someone already mentioned, do you have any idea how many time zones are involved on this board? There will always be people attending meetings because of that. We don't all live in your time zone.
The trolls know who they are.
The truth is out there......
(cue X Files music)
So I guess I'll just have to live with my ignorance, never knowing if I or anyone else is a troll......