Had to take a break to get my chores caught up; Last section: Strengthen Your Love
This implies that any jw had "real" love or knew what it was outside the WTS definition. Many jws just perpetuate the type of love they were show in their congregation
I left the WTS finally, where I realized that the WTS and its members didn't show the Christlike love they sad they did, that they were the only ones that did. (Ha!)
During the Pandemic, jws had an easier time faking love. No longer at the meetings and have to give a semblance, most just avoided it by not talking to people, talking about them behind their back, etc. Now that everyone is supposed to come back to in person meetings, they have lost their skills at avoiding people they don't really like and hiding it. Diversity! Avoidance is the name of the game. I invited many people to my house, but never an invite back, but they would say, "We have to get together for dinner some time. Five years later, I was still waiting for an invite. Or the people who had not talked to each other for 10 years, sitting on other sides of the KH, refusing to go to the same "book study" as some people, getting out of pairing up with those people in door to door, even to the point that one elder in one congregation who scheduled talks, would not schedule speakers from another congregation and not talked to his brother who was an elder for 20 years until his brother died (just lived 40 miles from each other). It is a fantasy that jws welcome people other than their close "circle of friends" - cliques. (weasel words, likely, perhaps) Some elders, would point out to me that Jesus loved some of the apostles more than others, pointing to John "the beloved" apostle, but obviously the others did not know that as they found several times with each other who was the greatest. Are jws following this admonition from WT publications "According to Peter, why can we not limit our brotherly affection to those to whom we are naturally attracted? On the pretext that the Scriptures allow for our having warmer feelings for some brothers than for others, are we inclined to rationalize our feelings? ( 20:2)"
The WTS mentions responding with "frequent calls and messages" but the only time elders seem to have time to do this is to discuss some failing a jw is reported to have.
Personalities that irritate us, difficult to get along with, different backgrounds...people who are irritating and difficult. Verbally abusive or spiritually abusive? (weasel words, obviously)
Love vital during GT...find protection? "Inner rooms" has been defined by the WTS "may refer" to the local congregation (not a building though). "Seems" like those words "also apply to us" (only jws though) "stick close" show compassion" What is the motivation per the WTS: "reward us with eternal life in a world "where disasters and tribulation will be forgotten (with a convient labotomy).
Further reading: https://jwfacts.com/pdf/the-truth-changes-doug-mason.pdf p. 16