I believe that the over two-year coronavirus absence must have changed a lot of Witnesses..as they now have to learn all over again how to act around other JWs that they dislike.
Such a true statement! Harder to fake it now.....so difficult.
by blondie 17 Replies latest jw friends
I believe that the over two-year coronavirus absence must have changed a lot of Witnesses..as they now have to learn all over again how to act around other JWs that they dislike.
Such a true statement! Harder to fake it now.....so difficult.
they now have to learn all over again how to act around other JWs that they dislike.
One pioneer I worked with recently for the first time in person after the pandemic said exactly that.
She said she was struggling to cope with having to deal with some of the more 'challenging' members of the congregation since the return to face-to-face meetings and ministry as those ones are now approaching her directly again.
The interesting thing is she is an 'exemplary' sister who has been very involved in giving her time and effort to other sisters in the past, particularly ones who were... difficult to support (you know the type, often complaining about their various sicknesses, always having trouble with one thing and other - what someone said about them, or what a certain scripture means, etc, etc)
She obviously finally had a break from that during lockdown and has realised during that time that she shouldn't have to put up with all that nonsense. It seems her inner person is crying out not to have to take on all that extra stress again! There must be many in that position across the org.
2 years of coronavirus restrictions.
If your fade began before the pandemic,,,,take it and run with it.
No, she should not have to put up with this nonsense!
It was my observation that certain Witnesses thought they were there to be a bother to other people. The religion gives them the excuse with the scripture about ‘putting up with one another’ and they use this as a free pass.. Also, other scriptures give some JWs the idea they can be forgiven for anything! Add all the other crap and judgmentalism and what you have is a simmering pot that maybe looks okay to the untrained eye.
So, what you have now is a collection of people in a fear-based religion. A good portion are irresponsible human beings. Others are a little off in the head. Maybe there are a few responsible citizen types here and there (and this number is dwindling).
I felt one thing was for damn sure: If any ‘great tribulation’ arrived - I would be out of luck!.. I was the person shunned because of my job. And some delusional/jealous idiots imagined I ‘owed’ somebody something! The irony being I would have been the last to ever be helped.. Plus I wouldn’t be retired if I had listened to anything there.
Thankfully, I won’t have to deal with them because I ‘Faded’ from the JW religion decades ago.
Hellothere - I agree. People love people but corporations do not - and people who expect it are quickly disappointed. JWs get disillusioned when they find that the religioun is actually nothing more than a corporation masquerading as a psuedo religion. Your comment was astute. If only more JWs could arrive at the same truth. There are so many good people within, but they have a difficulty seeing it for waht it is.
Diogenesister, "‘if JWs aren’t friendly now when it’s favorable season, what makes you think they would be friendly or helpful during the GT?’ I was inclined to believe this as well." I actually asked two elders this and they had no answer except to reach out myself. I left 2 years later. I did tell them if jws now would not change, I had no confidence they would change in the GT. Interestingly, the WTS teaches that when the GT starts, no more trying to convert people, that they are judged worthy of everlasting death. I told them that many self-identified jws might be surprised when Armageddon comes at the end of their definition of the GT, those people won't make it. They did not disagree.
October 2019 Watchtower p. 16 (the key scripture for researching this is Rev 16:21 for other similar comments)(quite a few weasel words, likely, may, may, we have to wait and see, seems
During the great tribulation, the message that we proclaim will likely change. Currently, we are preaching the good news of the Kingdom and we are endeavoring to make disciples. But at that time, we may well deliver a message as hard-hitting as hailstones. (Rev. 16:21) We may proclaim the impending doom of Satan’s world. In time, we will find out exactly what our message will be and how we will deliver it. Will we use the same methods we have used for over a hundred years to accomplish our ministry? Or will we use some other methods? We will have to wait and see. In any case, it seems that we will have the privilege of boldly proclaiming Jehovah’s judgment message!
Here's another good one from W15 7/15 p. 16: This will not be the time to preach the “good news of the Kingdom.” That time will have passed. The time for “the end” will have come! (Matt. 24:14) No doubt God’s people will proclaim a hard-hitting judgment message. This may well involve a declaration announcing that Satan’s wicked world is about to come to its complete end. The Bible likens this message to hailstones when it says: “Great hailstones, each about the weight of a talent, fell from heaven on the people, and the people blasphemed God because of the plague of hail, for the plague was unusually great.”—Rev. 16:21.
That was my quote about the sister who said ‘if JWs weren’t friendly now when it’s favorable season, what makes you think they’d be friendly or helpful during the GT?’
Both of us were working women who dealt with the unfriendliness and we both agreed that that we’d be out of luck if the Great Trib hit. We were on our own and we knew it. However, she tried harder than I did to ‘reach out’.. She got zero for her efforts. I knew it was a lost cause. Well, we are both retired now and I’m thankful I worked and didn’t care what critics said.. Don’t know if she’s in or not. But, I’m Glad I’m Out.