Yesterday I was telling a co-worker that though being obedient often has many benefits, it is over rated. I mention that the WTS stresses obedience, obedience, obedience! They stress obedience to the GB and the WTS, to one's labor union (if any) at work, to one's governments (including not even participating in protest marches against injustices by one's government(s) and including not speaking out against one's government or governments), to one's employer (including not starting a labor union at work), to ones husband (in the case of married women), and to one's parents.I told my co-worker that our nation (the USA) was founded by being rebellious towards an unjust ruler (the one who was the king of England at the time).
To the WTS it doesn't matter if any of ones authority figures are in error and requiring one to do foolish things if they are doing bad things to you, do what ever they say proving they aren't telling to break a law of Jehovah (as defined by the GB and WTS)! That teaching of the WTS is wrong and it annoys me greatly!