A mssg To Cruzanheart.

by Mecurious? 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Brummie

    Brian I dis-associated myself from the WT after uncovering its history of lies, I wrote a 9 page letter dis'ing myself. I live in England, have never had the pleasure of visiting Dallas.

    Looking forward to hearing more from you.


  • moreisbetter

    Dear Mecurious,

    Welcome. I too am from the south Dallas, Oak Cliff area. I spent over 17 years in the Beverly Hills cong. I'm not DF or DA. But very inactive for over 8+ yrs. I do not consider myself JW. I now live in Ft Worth.

    I too met Bro. Bibbee, but did not know him well. I did know of his fine reputation for love and integrity. He did direct a drama that I was in one summer. I was shocked at the events in his life. His treatment was atrocious. I was compelled to tell my inactvie but obviously still JW ex about all of this. I came out of the Apostate closet with this information.

    You will find Cruzanheart and Big Tex extraordinary. Nina, & Big Tex I hope you are doing well.

    Again welcome Mecurious, Theresa

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Well aren't you sweet! Thanks Theresa, and I think you're kinda neat too.

  • Solace


    Welcome to the board, Im so sorry for your experiences. And your sister, Im so sorry..

    I was raised a witness and have also had unfortionate experiences with the JW blood doctrine. I wrote a little about it in my bio, if you want to know more. Looking forward to knowing you.

    Cruz & Tex,

    Been thinking about you too, hope things are ok.

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