That is very good of you to be this man’s friend and go visit him.
It’s too bad he feels about himself that ‘it would be better if he just died because nobody but you cares about him’.. God help any PIMI JWs who are counting on friendships and attention from people in the religion to keep them going!.. I remember back when I was a ‘believer’ going through a phase of being sad because I saw so little love there. I got over it in time.
I came to see in the JW religion that if you’re not related to the ‘right’ people - then it’s all about judgmentalism, conditional friends and Users. You are only as good as the next favor you can do or $ervice you can provide. If you can’t (or won’t) do that, you’re ignored. Even those who DID these things and stopped for some reason were forgotten like yesterday’s garbage.
It’s too bad people there keep telling themselves they are in a loving brotherhood. Thankfully, I never believed it and could only count on myself.