"Only certain elderly people get attention. They couldn’t care less if the others drew their next breath."
LONGHAIRGAL oh how right you are. I used to visit an elderly lady in the congregation when I was still in, she'd been in the congregation for around 7 decades, and before going to the nursing home had been very hospitable to others. She rarely got anyone from the hall other than my mother and I, and one other older brother. When she finally died I was asked by her only son to look after the funeral in the crematorium.
I remember being horrified when less than 6 people made up the entire audience. Her son, a former next-door neighbour, her social worker and a carer from the nursing home, me and my mother, and the elder I had picked to close with a prayer.
No doubt the rest were too busy banging on the doors of strangers than being present to honour the life of this dear old sister!