There's a big difference between dying/perishing, and being destroyed by a Deity for failing to do enough, especially when the "requirements" are from an organized religious corporation.
Also, you have to understand the biblical meaning of "death", as opposed to the WTBTS's dogma. You must understand that Jesus ( if he existed ) was in the perfect position to explain death. When he went to visit Lazarus, he said that Lazarus was sleeping. He disciples were very disturbed at Jesus' words. They felt that Jesus did not understand the situation.
Jesus could have explained once and for all that death = non-existence, as the WTBTS falsely claims, but he did not. He compared death to sleeping. It's that simple.
Paul, if he even existed, also compared death to a change in condition, not oblivion. He compared human death, the end of physical life, to a seed that "dies", and come back as a plant, or another existence.
Everyone knows that seeds don't die, otherwise no plant would sprout. For Paul's audience to understand the Xian destiny, he used an illustration they could understand. He could have easily been "inspired" to say, "Look, when you are dead, that's it. Live your life, because when you draw your last breath on Earth, you're gone forever.", but he didn't.
If death meant non-existence/oblivion, then Paul's illustration was meaningless to his audience.
WTBTS dogma makes Paul's illustration worthless.
Once you grasp the full import of the WTBTS's dogma as compared to what the NT teaches, you can understand the significance of the alterations that Crazyguy mentions. It's night and day.
It's every bit as big as "Grace" vs "undeserved kindness", in that it perverts the Xian message into a means of controlling others.
Jesus says, "If you believe in me, you will receive grace. You won't perish, but like a seed, you will live in another form."
The WTBTS says, " Obey us as the Channel of God, do whatever works we dictate to you. After all, you don't even deserve to be treated well, because you're a sinner. Obey us, or God will destroy you."
If you're going to believe in God and the Bible, learn what it really teaches. Get a Concordance, find out what was really said. Learn what the people at that time believed. View the writings through their eyes, then decide if it's wothh if your attention, or a bunch of crap.
At least believe what it says, instead of being like the WTBTS.
JWs DO NOT believe what the Bible teaches.