A little ray of hope.

by username 10 Replies latest jw experiences

  • username

    For all those who have recently escaped this evil cult I just want to send a message of hope.

    I have just had my landlord around. One of the first things the landlord said to me. "In just a year I see such a big positive difference in you"

    So when you leave or have left, remember to shake the dust of your heals and start to live the life you've always wanted to have. Most of all, be happy because there are people who will notice a big positive change. Not only will this give two fingers to the watchtower but it also may wake loved ones up too.

    Sending my love to all and everyone of you. :smile:

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  • BeautifulMind
    That is awesome, and congrats to you for being happy.
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  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once
    I love your Username. Be happy don't worry.
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  • PaintedToeNail

    You CANNOT have had a positive change in your life...don't you know 'Jehovah's People are the happiest People on Earth'?

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  • dubstepped

    Amen! My wife and I have clients comment on how much happier we are. Several have said that they notice a positive difference in us. It has only been a month or two since we officially DA'ed, but we started leaving a year or so ago without knowing it.

    Thanks for sharing. Good for you!

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  • Sail Away
    Sail Away
    I went to my cardiologist for my yearly checkup about a year after I left the organization. My doctor nearly left the room, because he didn't recognize me at all. I told him the basic story. He said I seemed so much more relaxed and happier. He said that he has seen the same level of tension in Orthodox Jewish communities. A year later my test results were even better. He told me to keep doing what I'm doing-- sailing, tai chi/qigong and meditation.
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  • steve2

    Well done, man! I remember a time when those who left - including me for a while - were such sad sacks.

    Yes, I get from personal experience why that may be the case - and some exits are unbelievably traumatic. But, honestly, no one needs to turn leaving the organization into a drama-fest of suffering that soon turns into a lifestyle!

    A few years ago, I watched a video by ex-JWs on the organization - I think it was made in the 1980s. Talk about wrist-slashing depressive viewing! Scene after scene of downcast ex-Witnesses lamenting their experiences and their shunned status. Very off-putting. I think the video was made by ex-JWs who were intent on promoting an alternate faith. The accompanying music weas sombre and not a little spooky - especially when it showed scenes of the Watchtower Society in Brooklyn, New York.

    Religious faith seems to do best when people are dejected and sorrowful - almost like they are desperate for a ready-made consolation - the very thing that had initially hooked so many into the organization in the first place. "I was down and out, and the Witnesses called, answererd all my questions and gave me hope". Uh-oh.

    Nothing wrong with being consoled I guess. All humans need it. But when the dialogue is incessantly around a tragic story, it gets too much.

    There will always be room for hearing about those who have left, and despite acknowledged difficulties, have learnt to get on with their lives - and are now flourishing.

    The bullsh*t can either drag you own into the depths or motivate you to say, "Never again".

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  • Heartsafire
    Congrats on your freedom and positivity! I am honestly a little jelly of you right now. Boy, I wish I was totally out. I'm still fading and taking it easy because of my nutty spouse. But, I do feel more free lately--free from guilt, time consuming activities, and fake friends, not to mention depressing articles and lectures. Waking up each day feels like an adventure. I kind of don't mind the fight to escape because I see light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks for that great info from the other side!
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  • kairos

    Congrats on your success. Many of us are reporting similar results.
    I've lost 75 pounds and have much better organized my home and belongings.

    I have an endless line up of projects and interests as well.
    It's amazing how much time we have when the end isn't coming tomorrow...

    Life is better on the outside.
    Don't let anyone tell you otherwise!

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  • GrreatTeacher

    So, the proof is in the pudding.

    The cool thing was that you didn't solicit his opinion. He just gave it based on an observation that was striking to him.

    I'm thrilled that you're doing so well.

    And, it'll keep getting better.

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