Well done, man! I remember a time when those who left - including me for a while - were such sad sacks.
Yes, I get from personal experience why that may be the case - and some exits are unbelievably traumatic. But, honestly, no one needs to turn leaving the organization into a drama-fest of suffering that soon turns into a lifestyle!
A few years ago, I watched a video by ex-JWs on the organization - I think it was made in the 1980s. Talk about wrist-slashing depressive viewing! Scene after scene of downcast ex-Witnesses lamenting their experiences and their shunned status. Very off-putting. I think the video was made by ex-JWs who were intent on promoting an alternate faith. The accompanying music weas sombre and not a little spooky - especially when it showed scenes of the Watchtower Society in Brooklyn, New York.
Religious faith seems to do best when people are dejected and sorrowful - almost like they are desperate for a ready-made consolation - the very thing that had initially hooked so many into the organization in the first place. "I was down and out, and the Witnesses called, answererd all my questions and gave me hope". Uh-oh.
Nothing wrong with being consoled I guess. All humans need it. But when the dialogue is incessantly around a tragic story, it gets too much.
There will always be room for hearing about those who have left, and despite acknowledged difficulties, have learnt to get on with their lives - and are now flourishing.
The bullsh*t can either drag you own into the depths or motivate you to say, "Never again".