Whatever Happened to Those who returned to JEHOVAH

by raymond frantz 32 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Phizzy

    The saddest case of a return to the J.W's that I know of happened about 5 years ago. A young man who was gay had left and set up home with a guy he had fallen in love with.

    He had been a Reg. Pio. and served in Bethel for a number of years.

    What happened I do not know, but obviously the relationship failed, probably because the lad I knew felt so guilty that it just wouldn't work.

    He worked at a return, and got re-instated. But we all know he will never be happy, so sad.

  • KerryKing

    John 9:22, the Pharisees already practiced expulsion from the synagogue, which was also a social death just like JWs.

    Interesting how Jesus shared meals with and healed those expelled from synagogues and other social outcasts from his own Jewish nation.

    JWs think its fine to share meals with, and work with, practice sports with 'worldly' people, but not disfellowshipped JWs. Jesus did the opposite, he spent MORE time with the outcasts than the so called righteous. He ate with them, healed them, stayed in their houses, and died for them.

    I don't care what it says in later letters written by nobody can confirm who, and believed to be inspired by God. Those words contradict Jesus' actions and teachings. I would rather be a Christ follower than a book/Bible follower.

    JWs know nothing. They are more blind than most, because they are so very convinced of their own righteousness...just like the Pharisees.....

  • Duran
    Jesus shared meals with and healed those expelled from synagogues and other social outcasts from his own Jewish nation.
    I would rather be a Christ follower than a book/Bible follower.

    From where do you get your info on Jesus?

    I don't care what it says in later letters written by nobody can confirm who, and believed to be inspired by God.

    Are you saying that there are books/letters that can be confirmed of who wrote them and that were inspired by God? If so, which ones and how so?

  • blondie

    Duran, I think KerryKing was addressing those words to people who do read and believe that Jesus was a real person, using to suggest that they look at the people in their own congregation. That is what I do, say words to get people to see the wolves within the own religious group. Keeping in mind that the audience in mind are those who believe Jesus is real to them and their bible is from god.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim


    Please remember that nobody,,,,nobody has become a Jehovah's Witness,,,, by reading the Bible.

  • KerryKing

    Good point Beth Sarim!

    Duran, most people get their info on Jesus from their religious leaders, but it doesn't usually add up with what the Bible, the book they claim to revere as sacred and inspired by God, says about Jesus.

    The Bible contradicts itself, religious people contradict each other of the same professed faith, and they contradict the Bible. It's a bit of a mess! 😄

  • Duran
    Duran, most people get their info on Jesus from their religious leaders,

    My question was: From where do you get your info on Jesus?

    The Bible contradicts itself,

    If that is the case:

    A. Is the Bible as a whole all BS.

    B. Is the Bible as a whole all true/inspired by God.

    C. Some true/inspired by God and some BS.

    If you say C, then how do you know what part is true/inspired by God?

  • Ugot2bekiddingme1

    Why return to an abusive relationship?

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim


    On your last point. That is why it sooooo very difficult to release ones doubts,,, about,., everything.


  • careful
    My experience from my congregation is of that of one sister that was disfellowshipped for adultery in the past and now lives with her now worldly husband, she was reinstated immediately after this new policy came into effect because one of the elders was a close friend of hers and she has never been to a meeting since, so basically she only got herself reinstated so she can see her family again.

    In practical terms the issues here must be complex. If this sister is married to some worldly guy and had been out for years, then she must have taken up celebrating Xmas, Easter, birthdays, etc., as well as various other "worldly" customs. Is she suddenly going quit all those things just because she's been reinstated? Hardly likely. No wonder she doesn't attend and thus gather to herself all the social pressure from the diverse sisters who will pry into her personal life and report her unacceptable activities!

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