Number one : They don't like the Watchtower and can now use their influence over the EU against fraudulent charities like the WTS Number two: They are more likely to reject any US influence on the subject of UFOs. This is no joke. The semi-official COMETA report on the subject raised some eyebrows around the world because of its opinion on UFO reality - and that the US wasn't telling all it knows. metatron
Two Good Things About the French
by metatron 22 Replies latest jw friends
happy man
The best about france is the girls, my friend.
Ther politikens, is very much like munchausen, think they are bestr in the word, how can forget De Gaulle, and Mitterand, two high men very near to tell they was next to the Lord.
So easy it is fore men to putt upp them selfs on high positions,when i read on some jW forum ít trubbels me that even some of us have fall fore this , giving to much glory to men, like GB.
This is very dangerus, I think.
More good things about the French: French toast,French fries,French wine,French maidsin those little French maid outfits....LOL!...OUTLAW
They have a film industry that leaves Hollywood limping.
They treat their artists, musicians, poets and writers with an unparalleled respect.
They have blended modern and ancient architecture in Paris as no other architects have been able to achieve anywhere.
They have behind their belt, and just off the top of my head : Balzac, Stendhal, Sand, Flaubert, Zola, Proust, Voltaire, Flaubert, Gide, Mauriac, Malraux, Sartre, Camus, Berlioz , Bizet, Gounod, Debussy , Ravel, Fauré, Satie, Milhaud, Brassens, Debussy, Saint-Saëns, Stephane Grappelli, Catalyse, Lumiere, Jean Luc Ponty, some of the best cheeses in the world, some of the best wines ever produced, the best coffee shop in the world ( just off the Bois de Boulogne ), Oh yes and Joni Mitchell’s friend was a ‘free man in Paris’, he felt ‘unfettered and alive’….lol
Understand the people, you understand the Country. The French have a penchant for superiority but they have a lot to feel superior about. Their main failing, which is also the main failing of the US is a history of an erratic Foreign Policy usually a result of believing in themselves a little too much!
Don't forget that they make love with their face either.
I purchased some authentic French Muenster from a cheese shop in Paris. It was jetted over here in an insulated box via Fedex. Showed up the next day. With great anticipation we opened the package. From inside the silvered sides came a smell, well, it smelled just like a baby diaper looks. We gave it an honorable burial in the back yard. Even the wild animals didn't dig it up.
The problem with using the quality of things like wine, cheese, women, etc. to "prove" the superiority of a country or region is that such observations are a matter of opinion, pure subjectivity. Give me a high-quality Jarlsberg and a bottle of good Shiraz from Oz any time. The French can keep their cheese that smells like feet, their over-priced wines, their hairy-pitted (and smelly) women, AND their opinions to themselves thank you very much. They used to be a world power. Now they're not. Their language used to be the language of diplomacy. Now it's not. Lot's of things used to be true of France. Now they're not. Not even if Neil Diamond likes being free there. It's a has-been country with a sloppy, imprecise langauge. The French know this, and can hardly tolerate the thought. Too bad, but for too long the French rested upon the laurels of yesterday's accomplishments. To my mind, there's only one Frenchman worthy of continued love in America: vive LaFayette!
The problem with using the quality of things like wine, cheese, women, etc. to "prove" the superiority of a country or region is that such observations are a matter of opinion, pure subjectivity.
Nonsense, at least where wine and cheese are That is like saying that the difference between those who do, and those would do not know what they are talking about is 'pure subjectivity'.
Give me a high-quality Jarlsberg and a bottle of good Shiraz from Oz any time.
See what I
The French can keep their cheese that smells like feet, their over-priced wines, their hairy-pitted (and smelly) women, AND their opinions to themselves thank you very much.
They do Francois. The national trait of the French, as I am sure you should know, is that they are quite insular and have little regard for outside opinion of themselves. In my youth I had French girlfriends who were not 'hairy-pitted' or smelly. Perhaps they had been toilet trained in the US. The backwoods of Arkansas
They used to be a world power. Now they're not.
In which case they need to join the reprobate ranks of Holland, Spain, Portugal and Britain to name just a few. Your point would be?
Not even if Neil Diamond likes being free there.
Neil Diamond plays no part in the lyrics of 'Free Man In Paris', though I understand that he has tried to sing Ms. Mitchells song. Are we getting back to the odor of cheese
It's a has-been country with a sloppy, imprecise langauge. The French know this, and can hardly tolerate the thought. Too bad, but for too long the French rested upon the laurels of yesterday's accomplishments. To my mind, there's only one Frenchman worthy of continued love in America: vive LaFayette!
I disagree.
Best regards - HS
Hey hillary_step,pickin on Neil Diamond?..LOL!.. I liked his early stuff,(he could put on some dam fine shows)but he lost his edge after time and I lost interest in his writting..I understand he`s doing country and western now..?????.. Who would have thought?...OUTLAW
I always say that it takes a mature sort of person to appreciate a mature sort of cheese.
Best thing about France...............Monet