Hey Dan.
Well, right beside me here, is a tiny little yellow female parakeet.
She is a real charmer. She is easy to care for, and because I adopted her from the Humane Society, she has not had much human interaction.
She chirps affirmatively to various music on the radio/stereo.
She loves to stretch when I stretch, and she's within eyesight of me. She and I are on a bit of training mission. I take her out of her cage once a day, hold her (and yes, she protests...) and attempt to socialize her. She will be OK. I've done this with birds before, and it takes a bit of time.
Now...Dan, not sure if you'd consider a bird, but I love them.
They can talk, and are smarter than many people give them credit for.
If you do...(Rayzorblade crosses his fingers) adopt or purchase a bird, you can get the HAND TRAINED ones. They cost more, but you can hold them, play with them and they are good talkers (parakeets, cockatiels and various parrot-like birds).
But still, a dog or cat is good. Pets really make a difference in ones life.
Let us know what you decide on Dan.
CONGRATS on your Forum Birthday!!