by pr_capone 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • pr_capone

    Hey all! I dont want to go into alot of detail to quick but aside from the UN bit... what is some relatively easy to prove/explain information that I can bring to who is an Elder? Need info specificaly on the 144,000 as well.

    Thanks all!!!!!!!

    Kansas District Overbeer

  • Joyzabel


    lots of luck, because whatever you say will go in one ear and out the other. REFUSE to meet with them and don't give them that authority over you.


  • pr_capone

    No authority being given to anyone in this situation. Believe that!

    Kansas District Overbeer

  • rebel


    When I first started to leave the organisation, about 6 months ago (although I have had doubts for years), I got so het up about what to say to this one or that one and how I would explain my reasons for leaving to the world and his mother. Yesterday, I got to thinking - what does it matter what anyone else thinks? If they want to believe in this sad organisation, so be it. If they want to gossip about me and spread lies (which they are doing), nothing I say or do will stop them. They will think and act as they like. And I can think and act as I like.

    I read your other thread about someone grassing to the elders. As I have said before, they must be pretty dull people with incredibly boring, tedious lives - they have to get all their excitement by watching you and your life. How utterly sad! This is what being a member of the WTS does to people. They become frightened, spineless, brainless imbeciles. Where is the future in that?

    To all of you JWs out there who have nothing to do but watch us, just remember - Jehovah's eyes are on you!

    Just stay strong pr. So many are going through exactly what you are going through right now. We know how you feel and we know you are right and the WTS is so desperately wrong. Take satisfaction in that and stuff the elders.


  • Gopher


    No matter what information you have that will shed light on the true nature of this man-made organization, loyal JW's always have their "pat answers" ready. No matter what you say, it's "in one ear and out the other with nothing in between to stop it", unless the elder in question really has done some serious thinking on his own.

    If the elder is open to it, the 1914 doctrine is relatively easy to disprove, since it hinges on the 607 BCE date as the fall of Jerusalem. No serious scholar doubts that Jerusalem actually fell in 587-586 BCE. Of course the JW will argue "who will you believe, the Bible or man?" But that is a dubious question, since nowhere does the Bible mention 1914 or 607BCE. The truthfulness of the fall of Jerusalem at the hands of Babylon is not the question. It's actually "a man" or an organization who insists on the 607BCE date.

  • blondie

    pr, it is all pearls before swine.


  • pr_capone


  • Prisca

    hi PR,

    Try this site:

    Good luck!

  • archangel01

    Try This, about the 144,000 ( This is just one of the reasons why I left, because they lie etc) I cried for days after I found out this stuff!

    If you look in the Volume books on the reports of how many people partook of the bread/wine of that year there is a increase!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The number should NEVER go up but only down!!!!!!!!!!!! Look in 1996 then compair 2003 report and there is like a 160 increase.

    No word can justice this, they are wrong an the number should NEVER EVER go up ONLY down!

  • Dansk


    All the Borg will say is that people took the bread and wine who shouldn't have done!

    There's absolutely no point in trying to reason with them.

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