In Case You Have Ears to Hear... But Have Not Yet Heard...

by AGuest 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AGuest

    (Simon, please forgive me... and if you can, accommodate me... as I have not yet surpassed my new post "limit" for this day. Thank you!) To the Household of God, Israel, that is on, and all those who 'go with' them:

    May you have peace!

    Because Israel has, at this 'season' fallen asleep with regard to many 'things' that our Lord, the Son of God, JAH-ESHUA MISCHA-JAH ("JAH saves"; Messiah - "chosen of JAH"), 'commanded' us to teach others (Matthew 28:20), I am compelled by the spirit of my Father, the Holy One of Israel, JAH (Psalm 68:4) OF ARMIES, that is in me, by means of my Lord, to REMIND Israel of one of such commandments.

    On the night that he was put to death in the flesh, our Lord gave a commandment, to which he stated "Keep doing this in remembrance of me." That COMMANDMENT, was with regard to the eating of bread, in symbolization of his flesh as the Passover Lamb, and drink wine, in symbolization of his blood by which the NEW Covenant between God and Israel was 'sealed'... holy spirit, the BLOOD of that which is spiritual. For, indeed, "unless blood is poured out, there is NO salvation".

    "... and he has 'poured out' that which you now see and hear..."

    Acts 2:23 But we have been dissuaded and misled by 'certain men' who would say that such eating and drinking is not for ALL... but for some small group. However, did you not 'hear' and have you not read:

    1. "I am the bread that came down from heaven. He that eats my flesh and drinks my blood will live FOREVER... AND I will resurrect him on the last day..." and "Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood... YOU HAVE NO LIFE IN YOURSELVES..." and "For MY flesh is true food and MY blood true drink..."

    John 6:48-55

    2. "Remain IN UNION with me... for apart from me, you can nothing of yourself." and "He that eats my flesh and drinks my blood REMAINS IN UNION WITH ME..."

    John 15:4-7; John 6:56

    3. "And should the alien resident among you keep the passover to JAH, let all his males first be circumcised, and THEN let him come near and keep it; for he shall be as one born in the land..." for "ONE LAW there is to be... for Israel AND for the alien resident among him..." and " for ALL who went out from Egypt ate the SAME spiritual food and drank the SAME spiritual drink from the rock-mass that is the Christ."

    Exodus 12:48, 49
    1 Corinthians 10:1-5

    4. "He that hears my commandments and OBEYS them is he that loves me. And he that loves me will be loved by my Father. And I will love him and will show myself plainly TO him. If a man loves me, he will obey my commandments and my Father will love him, and WE WILL COME TO HIM... and make our abode WITH him. He that does NOT love me, does NOT obey my commandments..."

    John 14:21-24

    You have been MISLED, O Israel, you and the alien resident who has 'gone with' you. You have been misled by forming TWO flocks and thus overriding my Lord's words that "I have other sheep (the nations) which are not of THIS fold (the fleshly Jews)... and they will become ONE flock... with ONE shepherd."

    You have been misled by 'wicked men' who have arisen 'from among you', who have preached the Christ DIVIDED by overriding my Lord's words that to obey HIM is to love HIM... and his 'commandment' to 'keep doing this'... just as ALL who went out from Egypt... Israel and alient resident alike... did. ALL of those ate the manna, drank from the rock-mass, celebrated the Passover... and enter into the Covenant at Sinai. ALL of those were taken in as "Israel" and thus there became only ONE law among them... and ONE hope.

    Numbers 11:4-6 Ephesians 2:19-21 Ephesians 4:4

    Such men would have you believe that ALL that applies to Israel (i.e., water baptism, living according to the Law Covenant, etc.) applies to those who 'go with' them... EXCEPT that which ultimately grants Israel AND THE VAST MIXED COMPANY... the 'great crowd' ... life everlasting! HOLY SPIRIT! Indeed, although such men teach that the 'great crowd' also receive holy spirit... they actually 'shut the door' and close 'the way' for such ones to receive it! John 4:14

    Truly, there is only ONE 'way' by which Israel, and any who 'go with' Israel gain everlasting life: it is by means of holy spirit, the BLOOD of God and His Son, which His Son 'poured out'... both upon Israel AND upon the 'nations', those NOT Israel. There is only ONE 'way' to get such spirit, and such 'wicked men' have closed the 'door' to that 'road' and led Israel on the 'broad way to destruction'.

    How so? Because, as my Lord has said... to Israel... AND to ALL those that 'go with' Israel:

    "UNLESS you eat my flesh and drink my blood, you have NO LIFE in yourselves." John 5:53

    Truly, such 'men' have 'shut up the kingdom of the heavens" before you! Why? Because THEY are not going in, and they do not allow those on their way in to go in.

    Matthew 23:13

    But it does not need to be so! Truly, who will YOU obey? Our Lord? Or 'earthling man'? Who will YOU 'make disciples' of? Our Lord? Or 'earthling man'? Whose commandments will YOU teach them to 'obey'? Those of our Lord? Or those of 'earthling man'?

    To be sure, Israel: all those that YOU have precluded from 'entering' into the kingdom of the heavens, will be accounted to YOU! All those for whom YOU have 'shut up the kingdom of the heavens', will serve as a means to 'shut up the kingdom' for YOU! But it does NOT have to be so!

    Therefore, turn around... and REPENT... that 'seasons of refreshment' might be upon you... IF you STOP 'preventing the little children' from coming to my Lord, but rather OPEN to the THE WAY! John 14:6 For that is the 'commission' of Israel... as "ambassadors SUBSTITUTING FOR CHRIST... to 'go RELEASING' and 'go FORGIVING' and go granting blessings to ALL those who 'wish' it! Matthew 11:28 John 20:22, 23 Revelation 22:17

    There is no 'authority' by which ANY man can 'shut up the kingdom', for there is only ONE 'door'... and ONE 'doorkeeper'. And only ONE that laid down his life so that ALL of his 'sheep'... and the WORLD... may have life... and have it in abundance. Whether such sheep are of the 'little flock' of fleshly Jews... or 'other sheep' that were called to be ONE FLOCK with them.

    John 10:1-18

    May the one that has ears HEAR what the Spirit says to the congregation... "unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, YOU HAVE NO LIFE IN YOURSELVES". No matter WHAT 'earthling man' wishes to have you believe.

    Thus, the Spirit... and the bride... KEEP saying: "COME! Take life's water... free!"

    PRAISE JAH, you people! Let every living thing, let every living BREATHING thing, let it praise JAH! A slave of Christ, and servant to the Household of God, Israel, and all those who 'go with' them...

    SJ (Psalm 15:1)

  • gumby
    Israel, and all those who 'go with' them...

    Ok Shelbmeister......who is Israel in actuality your speaking of?

    And WHERE are THOSE that go with them going?

  • topanga

    who is the keeper of the dragnet? i mean who is it that gathers souls in the net and does the sorting?

    when it says free people in christ does it mean we are not obligated to any organization but as we live day to day we are free to live as long as we walk in christ? Organizations can be damaging are we free or are we bound to one?

    I thought that what you said was beautiful and i remember being told that heaven is not open to me as if anyone could really know that.

    I wonder if it applies still, i hope but i guess we will wait and see.

  • AGuest

    Hi, 'Gumb... and peace to you!

    "Israel"... is the fleshly seed of Abraham who PROVE to have the "law"... written on their hearts by means of loving all... including their enemies. Those who "go with" them are those of the nations, NOT the seed of Abraham... but who also prove to have the "law"... written on their hearts in the same way. Thus, both groups DEMONSTRATE having such writing by of "taking hold of the skirt of a man who a Jew"... and following HIM... where HE leads them: into all light... and all love. Thus, their "path"... gets "brighter and brighter."

    Dearest Topanga... the greatest of peace to you, too! You ask:

    Who is the keeper of the dragnet?

    That would be the one APPOINTED… the Door or Narrow Gate, my Lord, the Son of God, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH.

    John 10:7-9 John 14:6

    i mean who is it that gathers souls in the net and does the sorting?

    John 15:16

    when it says free people in christ does it mean we are not obligated to any organization but as we live day to day we are free to live as long as we walk in christ?

    We are "obligated" to NO organization. However, we ARE “obligated”… to one another… as well as all others. For, in truth, we ARE our brother’s “keeper”, so that it lies with US to respect JAH’s Sabbath... and call it an "exquisite delight" versus a "burden"... and thus, observe His TRUE “fast”. What does that mean? God's "sabbath" is a day... of rest. Not rest from secular work, per se, but from "our own works"... looking out for our OWN interests. We "rest" in that we stop doing our OWN will. Thus, it means that caring for others is NOT to be a burden... but a joy: we should do it because it brings us JOY... not simply because it fulfills an "obligation." Otherwise, rather than considering such to be an exquisite delight... as my Lord did when he fed, healed, forgave, resurrected others... we will grow hard-hearted... and begin to "murmur."

    Like the WTBTS. Because, for the most part, they HATE what they "have" to do: meetings, assemblies, field service, contributions, no this, no that, do this, do that... BURDENED. Enslaved! And so they cry, "Please hurry, Jehovah!" If, however, they were doing what they SHOULD be doing... observing the TRUE "fast" of JAH... rather than "afflicting their souls"... they would NOT then "tire out"... ('cause while they may not say it out loud, they in fact murmur in their hearts)... and they find "REFRESHMENT for their souls."

    They choose, however, to put their trust in earthling man, and so...

    Isaiah 58:5-14 Matthew 11:28-30

    Organizations can be damaging

    Indeed. That is why *we* are to have no other “leader” but one.

    Matthew 23:10

    Are we free or are we bound to one?

    Well, that depends… on who it is that claims to have set you “free” (or YOU claim to have done so), for many make the claim… and many believe them. At first, anyway. But if the SON sets you free... you will truly BE free.

    John 8:32 John 14:6 John 8:36 Jeremiah 8:8-12

    I remember being told that heaven is not open to me…

    And you were lied to. Unfortunately. Which is WHY we were told NOT to put our trust “in earthling man”… but instead to trust in JAH with all your heart… and listen to His SON… versus the blind and false religious leaders.

    Matthew 24:24

    And it is WHY my Lord condemned such [non-priestly] religious leaders (Pharisees) and their scribes (writers of “law”) as those who “shut up the kingdom of the heavens before men”… Psalm 146:3 Proverbs 3:5 Matthew 17:3 Matthew 23:13

    As if anyone could really know that.

    "As if" - LOL! For indeed, my Father shows mercy to whomever HE wishes to show it… and none of earthling man knows the heart of another. Only the Father… and by means of the Father… the Son… does.

    John 4:23 John 6:44 Matthew 12:25 John 2:24, 25

    I wonder if it applies still

    That heaven is not “open” to you?! Absolutely NOT! My dear, NOTHING could be further from the truth! I exhort you to read John 6:48-56 and pay VERY close attention to verses 51-53, and the words “anyone,” “live forever,” “Unless,” and “resurrect.” Then re-read verse 56 and a sk yourself, based on what you read here, HOW can you live forever, indeed, how can you be resurrected… UNLESS you follow what it says here?

    You have been misled, dear one, and severely so, for the Spirit and the Bride KEEP saying,

    “Come! Take life’s water… FREE!”

    I hope but i guess we will wait and see.

    Or perhaps, like Cornelius… your prayer has been heard… and the answer is now before you. But only you can know that. It might help you to “see” just who the “great crowd” truly are… where they are “standing”… and what they are DOING:

    Revelation 5:9, 10 Revelation 7:4, 9, 14, 15

    Tell me, can anyone other than a PRIEST… “render sacred service” IN God’s temple?

    May the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Holy One of Israel, from whom all mercy flows and whose name is JAH… of Armies… grant YOU, dear Topanga, ears to hear… by means of His undeserved kindness… through His Son and Christ, my Lord… JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH… if indeed you so wish it…

    Psalm 68:4 Psalm 40:6

    And again, I bid you the GREATEST of love and peace!

    YOUR servant, and a slave of Christ,


  • topanga

    thank you, i have closed myself off to feeling the emotion that comes with such a beautiful message.

    there has been a sort of silent blackness in my veins since i was told no heaven for you! heaven is my hope.

    You have made me feel that i wasn't wrong for holding on to the promise of heaven.

  • ScoobySnax

    How far will you go here to totally direspect Jehovah and his word. It makes me feel sad.

  • topanga

    whaddya mean scoob?

  • AGuest

    Yes, dear Scooby... and peace to you...

    Would you be so kind as to elaborate? You are quite welcome to state your position here, openly and honestly. For if it is true and accurate, it will withstand "testing", yes?

    Looking forward to hearing from you...

    A slave of Christ,


  • gold_morning

    Consider these scriptures about heaven.

    1John 5:12
    "He who HAS the son Has life."

    Notice the present tense here. It does not say that he
    who has the son will have life someday in the future.
    You know as a witness they teach that when you die,
    you are dead. You are not conscience of anything at
    all. You turn to dust. You are in God's memory to be
    ressurected someday. Yet, it says here..... we have
    this gift of life now as long as we have the Son. We
    (HAVE) LIFE.

    John 5:24,25
    "I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and
    believes him who sent me HAS eternal life and WILL NOT
    BE CONDEMNED: he has passed over from death to life. I
    tell you the truth, a time is coming and has now come
    when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God
    and those who hear WILL live."

    Prior to Jesus coming the dead could not go to
    heaven and be with God because they were sinners and
    imperfect. A debt had to be paid. The debt was death.
    Jesus paid the debt for us. He did the penalty that we
    should have paid. When he died, he said.."It is
    We now became righteous before God becasue of him.
    Nothing we can do will make us righteous. No amount of
    good deeds or works. Jesus did it. WE just need to
    really believe in Him. That is why the above scripture
    says if we believe in Him we have eternal life and
    will not be condemned (which was death). When we
    believe in him we cross over from death to life. We no
    longer have to pay that penalty.
    When Jesus says a time is coming and it is now when
    the dead would hear his voice and live he wasn't
    kidding. He had arrived to pay our price and he bought
    us. He bought Jew and gentile alike. The dead were
    now able to live in heaven and those after him are now
    allowed to go to heaven because we are now righteous
    thru the blood of Jesus. He bought us....we now are
    owned by him. We are now protected by Him. It was a
    gift as I will show you later.

    Remember, He came not to condemn the world, but to
    SAVE THE WORLD. Save us from what? It was to save us
    from death. He was successful. If we really still die
    when we pass on, then his death is in vain. He really
    did not save us from death if we still continue to
    die. That is why 1Corinthians 15:13 says...: If there
    is no ressurection of the dead, then not even Christ
    has been raised. Then our preaching is in vain.

    It is impossible to touch on all the scriptures but I
    am giving you some of my favorite. Remember, I am
    quoting Jesus words. This is not my interpetation. The
    witnesses use their interpetation. I want to show you
    these things from the bible only. Lets consider
    another of Jesus own words at John 8:51 where he
    clears this up further.

    John 8:51
    "I tell you the truth, if anyone keeps my word, he

    NEVER means NEVER. He did not say maybe you won't
    see death....or you will see death until I ressurect
    you lster. He said you will NEVER see death.

    John 11:25
    "Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the
    life. He who believes in me WILL LIVE, even though he
    dies, and whoever lives and believes in me will NEVER

    Hence, we WILL LIVE and we WILL NEVER DIE.

    It is evident the apostles felt the same way.
    Including the beloved apostle Paul. Note Pauls words

    2Corinthians 5:8
    "We are confident. I say, and would prefer to be AWAY
    from the body and at home with the Lord.

    Philippians 1:23
    "I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be
    with Chirst, which is better by far. But it is more
    necessary for you that I remain in the body."

    This brings up the topic of spirit, soul and body. See
    how he wants to give up the body and be home with
    Jesus? The body is just needed to live here on earth
    It is not needed in heaven. But the spirit resides in
    the body!! The spirit lives on. The spirit is the
    real you. Wow..... consider this scripture. It will
    knock your socks off.

    Acts 7:59 tells us where Stephen is being stoned to
    death. It says...
    "While they were stoning him, Stephen prayed, "Lord
    Jesus, receive my spirit."

    How about the famous Matthew 10:28 scripture that says
    to fear those that can kill the body.... but NOT KILL
    THE SOUL!!!!

    1Thessalonians 5:23..
    "May your WHOLE SPIRIT, SOUL AND BODY be kept

    Ephsians 2:4
    "Because of HIs great LOVE for us, God, who is rich in
    mercy, made us ALIVE WITH CHRIST even when we were
    dead in our transgressions... it is by GRACE YOU HAVE

    Can you begin to see how they only showed us what they
    wanted us to believe? How they had books called
    reasoning with the scriptures, but only reasoned their

    Isn't it funny we preached in the door to door work
    challenging people to examine their religions to see
    if it was the truth, but we were not allowed to
    examine our own!!! If we did we were labled
    apostates!!... and disfellowshiped!!

    We are loved by God very, very much.
    What he did and offered us was for you too. You are
    worthy of this gift. Don't give up. Question and then
    question some more. Pray and read. Read the book of
    John. Read it for what it is. Read it without the
    Wathctower glasses on. Let your heart guide you. Most
    of all ask God to help you with this.

    Much agape love, gold_morning

  • AGuest

    Dearest ScoobySnax... may you have peace.

    After your comment on regarding disrespecting "Jehovah" on another thread, I thought perhaps I should look for other comments from you, so as to know where you're coming from. Hence, I read another of your posts. Please know that on one level, I understand what you mean: I, too, left ones I loved "back" in the Borg... as well as some "good times". (Actually, I was asked to leave... and although I still speak and show love to such ones... they... "hate" me. Why? Because I spoke the truth, just as I received it FROM the Truth. Which brings me to your title, "Remembering the Truth.")

    Dear one, I must ask you... can one remember something... or someone... one has never known? By "the Truth," you are speaking of the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society, et al. However, by "the Truth," I am speaking of THE Truth, my Lord, the Son of God. Now, we can talk semantics here, but while the Bible literally mentions and speak of MY "Truth", it makes NO mention of yours.

    John 14:6

    You also made mention of God's Word. Again, I speak to you just as I have been taught BY that Word. However, by "God's Word," YOU are speaking of the Bible; however, by "God's Word," I am speaking of the One the Bible itself SAYS is that Word.

    John 1:14 Revelation 19:13

    You... base your assertion that the WTBTS is the "truth"... and the Bible is God's "Word"... on what those very ones of earthling man (the WTBTS) have told you. I, on the other hand... base mine on what that Word and Truth HIMSELF... has said to ME.

    John 15:27

    You... have been told by such men that God does not speak to us, but rather, it is demons. I say to YOU... who is more powerful... God? Or demons? And if demons can speak... how is it that God cannot?

    Hebrews 12:25 Matthew 17:3

    You... follow earthling man... in whom you were told NOT to put your trust... those who say, "I am christ" (or, "I am anointed" - please... don't go with the NWT, but rather, refer to the original Greek)... those whose faith is based on "dates and times and seasons," and wars... and reports of wars... and who call themselves the "faithful and discreet slave" (rather than waiting for the Master to ARRIVE and name that One - but, oh, that's right: he already arrived... invisible - although it SAYS "every eye will see him" - but still has to arrive again, which will make that, what, a THIRD time?!)... and, so, unfortunately you... have been misled.

    Matthew 15:14 Matthew 24:24 Matthew 24:3

    (Please note, my dear one, that although his presence is invisible, for in that sense he has been with us since the outpouring of holy spirit at Pentecost, which outpouring was the PROOF of his presence... and which is why Paul could HEAR him - "Look! I am WITH you... ALL the days... until the conclusion..." - his ARRIVAL will NOT be invisible at all! That is why he WILL startle... many nations... for what had NOT been recounted to them... as regards his appearance... "they will ACTUALLY see"!

    Isaiah 52:15

    I am not disrespectful, dear one, as I follow the one who left a pattern for me, the one who is ACTUALLY appointed by God to lead Israel... and no other... the One who calls HIS sheep... BY NAME... and LEADS them... out. Out of where? Out of the grip of the "hired man"... thieves and plunderers... who come in his name... but to whom the sheep do NOT belong. I don't follow THEM... because theirs... is the voice "of strangers."

    John 1:1-15

    I have but one "leader", dear one. Tell me, how many do YOU have?

    No, it is not I who "disrespect"... JAH... the God of Abraham... for when His "table" is prepared before me and His slaughtered Lamb offered to ME, I eat. You, on the other hand... and pass it by. And unbeknownst to you... because those you follow have not REVEALED it to you... THAT is the GREATEST disrespect we can "pay" to God: He gave His Son on behalf of the life OF THE WORLD... and here some are, claiming to be "christian"... to "follow Christ"... and yet, they reject the "choosing" (which is what "christian" MEANS)... as well as reject the very direction of the one they claim to follow:

    "I am the bread of life. Your forefathers ate the manna in the wilderness and yet died. This is the bread that comes down from heaven, so that ANYONE may eat of it... AND NOT DIE. I am the living bread that came down from heaven; if ANYONE eats of this bread... he will LIVE FOREVER; and, for a fact, the bread that I shall give is my flesh... IN BEHALF OF THE WORLD. [M]ost truly I say to YOU... UNLESS you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood... YOU HAVE NO LIFE IN YOURSELVES. He that fees on MY FLESH and drinks MY BLOOD... HAS EVERLASTING LIFE... and... I shall RESURRECT him... at the LAST day; for my flesh is TRUE food and my blood TRUE drink. He that feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood REMAINS IN UNION WITH ME... and I... IN UNION WITH HIM."

    Now, where do YOU fit into that statement by Christ himself, dear Scooby? According to those you follow... nowhere. But don't be surprised; it was prophesied:

    Matthew 23:13

    I know that "unless [I] eat the flesh of the Son of Man... and drink his blood, I have NO life in [myself]." You, on the other hand... have been misled to believe that you... have life in yourself. And yet, in light of what my Lord is recorded to have said at John 6:53, how can that BE?

    No, I listen to what my Lord says. YOU... listen to those, who by telling you that you have life "in yourself"... make him to be a liar. For HE said that unless you eat and drink, you have NO life in yourself.

    Who, then, truly is the disrespectful one? But you don't have to take MY word for it; indeed, you can most certainly "test"... the inspired expression that I have shared with you here.

    Again, I bid you peace.

    A slave of Christ, chosen by means of holy spirit, which Spirit has "guided" me... and continues to guide me... into all Truth... just as it is written,


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