GB Update - Meet the new GB members

by eyeslice 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • eyeslice

    I overheard my wife listening to '2023 Governing Body Update #2, presented by Kenneth Cook Jnr. A few points I got from it.

    New hour requirements

    Quote "with the new hour requirements for pioneers, many us us can share in the pioneer work." Let's read between the lines on that. Many of us can but some can't; I wonder how many of the GB have signed up? Surely if they had all done so it would have been stated - they love blowing their own trumpets.

    New GB Members Interview

    Many years ago when I was in the 'faithful and discreet slave' class was the remaining ones, men and women, of the heavenly class, who by their Christian works and ministry, imitated Christ's example. All pretty low key.

    Now they are all a set of media stars.

    Cook's introduction; "we'd like to spend a few minutes together, so you can get to know them".

    So, it turns out that they are both 'born ins', life time Bethelites - unlike the outgoing Anthony Morris who had at least seen something of the world and the horrors of wars.

    Winder was baptised in 1986.

    Fleegle didn't mention his baptism date but did state both of his parents were living examples of faith.

    The interview asked a number of standard questions, what motivated you, what departments have you served in, etc?

    The questions I would have asked

    So, brothers when did you start partaking of the Lord's Evening Meal and what prompted you to?

    Given the millions of Christians who have lived before us, many of whom died as martyrs, why do you think Jesus called you? (Actually, there was next to no mention of Christ Jesus, I think even the GB forget that it was Jesus who made the promise of ruling as Kings not Jehovah.)

    Brother Cooke said "you were appointed to serve on the GB". Who exactly does the appointing? Is it Jehovah, in which case did you just walk into a GB meeting day one day and say "I am here, I have been appointed by Jehovah"? Or was it the GB itself who at the time included the now banished Anthony Morris?

  • inbetween

    good questions about their appointment.

    When it comes to the appointment of elders by holy spirit, the explanation is something like this: The holy spirit outlined the requirements in the inspired scriptures for an elder, and if a brother fulfills them and is appointed, it is like holy spirit did it.

    Now how would they argue regarding governing body? There are no requirements in the scriptures, its not even mentioned. And regarding the slave, it was only mentioned, that he is faithful and discreet and distributes spiritual food. But this he only can do, after his appointment. So how do new members qualify then ? And how is Jehovah (or holy spirit or whatever) involved?

  • punkofnice

    It seems to me they suddenly claim to be anointed(tm) to get a position in the corporation(tm) as GB(tm) (Pee be upon them), member.

    It's so disingenuous that it's risible.

    Fully indoctrinated, brainwashed Jobots will never see how fake this all is.

    Do these geezers even believe this crud themselves? I seriously doubt it. I'm betting they probably have no belief in Jehovah(tm) any more than people believe in Santa Clause. They are running a big business pretending to be a religion.

    What a scam!

  • Listener

    Ken addresses both guys by their first name, not even calling them by 'Brother'

    Poor Gage, he says that being a GB member wasn't the preferred assignment for either him or his wife.

    Now with Morris gone, there is not one GB member who has had children, a pretty sorry state of affairs given the serious abuse problem.

  • eyeslice

    I didn't realise that now there is no one on the GB with children.

    Funny as well how Jehovah seems to love mainly white men who speak English. There is just one token Black American on the body, the rest being white to the sore. For a religion that claims a presence in over 200 lands it is strange there are no Japanese, Asians, Black Africans, Indigenous Americans or Polynesians amongst 'God's special one'.

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    Funny as well how Jehovah seems to love mainly white men who speak English. There is just one token Black American on the body, the rest being white to the sore. For a religion that claims a presence in over 200 lands it is strange there are no Japanese, Asians, Black Africans, Indigenous Americans or Polynesians amongst 'God's special one'

    Well stated.

    One could add the obvious, no women at all.

    How any organization can tolerate such a lack of diversity is a mystery.

  • Rattigan350

    "Funny as well how Jehovah seems to love mainly white men who speak English"

    Not funny, it's just how best communications come from. That way women aren't fawning over them because of their accents like they do with Barr, Loesch and Jackson.

  • WingCommander

    Apparently Jehovah also prefers BALDING men. Only "No Football Losch" and "Ken-he-be-any-more-boring-Cook" have a real head of hair.

    Wonder what would happen if you saw them walking together on 5th Avenue and started yelling, "Hey Old Baldie! Go away old Baldie!" Would Jah send a flock of ravenous pigeons to gouge out your eyes for daring to mock his "Profits"?

    Things that make you go, "Hmmmmmmm?"

  • Zilgee
    How will GB judge us in future if they don't know the great crowd. They hardly spend time with the great crowd. Instead they want great crowd to know them. What sort of anointed they are?
  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    ''How any organization can tolerate such a lack of diversity is a mystery ""

    One that claims to be 'divine' inspired,,,but by their actions, displays on mysogony, or intolerance to minority groups shows lack of diversity.

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