GB Update - Meet the new GB members

by eyeslice 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vanderhoven7

    Here is a cool picture of the only men on earth who understand the Bible and the only ones God has mandated as his spokesman.

    Anyone not obeying these men is regarded as a false Christian.

  • NotFormer

    Quite the rogue's gallery!

    "The questions I would have asked:

    "So, brothers when did you start partaking of the Lord's Evening Meal and what prompted you to?

    "Given the millions of Christians who have lived before us, many of whom died as martyrs, why do you think Jesus called you? (Actually, there was next to no mention of Christ Jesus, I think even the GB forget that it was Jesus who made the promise of ruling as Kings not Jehovah.)

    "Brother Cooke said "you were appointed to serve on the GB". Who exactly does the appointing? Is it Jehovah, in which case did you just walk into a GB meeting day one day and say "I am here, I have been appointed by Jehovah"? Or was it the GB itself who at the time included the now banished Anthony Morris"

    These are all good questions!

  • Halcon

    Interesting, what are the new pioneer hourly requirements now?

  • Earnest
    Vanderhoven7 : Here is a cool picture of the ... only ones God has mandated as his spokesman.

    Geoffrey Jackson said, at the ARC, it "would seem quite presumptuous to say that".

  • DisgruntledFool

    "There are NO new Remnant!" - Nathan H. Knorr died June 8, 1977

  • Nostromo

    There is one wrong face in the pic above, the guy above Lett is not Rumph.

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