What is the worst thing about leaving?

by sleepy 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • SloBoy

    Having been out only for a few months, a number of the consequences are still, I'm sure, floating around in my sub-conscious. I am on a journey of acceptance. The key is to not panic or freak-out over what I find, knowing ( thanks Simon ) that many others have trudged this path with dignity.

  • willdabeerman

    I agree with you all about living our entire lives under a freakin lie. There was many oppertunitys I gave up while in the borg. When I finally got out one thing I had no idea about was how immature i actually was. When I left at 20-21, I thought I was the man. Little did I know what shock was going to come to me when reality set in. When my ex-wife and I broke up, I had the maturity of a 16 year old ,zit faced kid. For god's sake I was 23, now I know i should have been a little upset,but not like a winey ,sobbing teenager. That was what I think the worst thing about leaving, the utter lack of real world expierence, and the immaturity level that came with no actual life expierence that was normal.then again thats just my two pennies worth.................Will"the thrill" Beerman.

  • DanTheMan

    What Gollum said. That feeling of being at center stage in a grand cosmic play, that was very intoxicating and addictive. It sucks to realize you're a shmuck like everybody else.

  • Francois

    When you leave, you have an entire wardrobe full of out of date suits, funky ties, weird sox and shoes and such as that. So you have to take it all to Goodwill and turn it in and use the tax return to go out and purchase one good suit with it.

    There actually is no "worst" since you're now free of a destructive, microminority cult that is leading you nowhere. There is no cause for anything but celebration. So celebrate.


  • Mutz

    The thing I missed most was, doing a hard days work, rushing home, bolting my dinner, getting showered shaved and changed into a suit in time to drive to the KH and partake in the wonderful spiritual feast provided by the faithful and discreet slave........... or maybe not. :)

  • lv4fer

    That I wasted so much time and energy in a lie. That I allowed myself to be mislead. The impact it has on my kids lives and the loss of friends (so-called friends) it does hurt.

  • mattnoel

    Losing people that I loved and cared about,

    Realising that the people I loved and cared about obviously didnt genuinely share the same feelings !

    Realising that I have just wasted 24 years of my life !

  • Valis

    self doubt is by far the worst thing IMO...It is so hard sometimes when you first leave to beleive in yourself for a change, that it gets to be much for people who many times don't have a support base after they di leave.


    District Overbeer

  • dedalus

    For me the worst part was having to explain why I was leaving to people who were close to me, and having my explanation deliberately misconstrued so I could be labelled and dismissed. It always comes down to, "So you hate Jehovah and the ways he wants you to live." (Come to think of it, that's pretty accurate! But of course there was more to it, much more, than just that.)


  • Victorian sky
    Victorian sky

    I think it's easy to torchure yourself over missed opportunities but don't. I lost a decade of my life to this religion and they're not getting a second more. Dansk gave great advice, you don't owe them squat. A whole new world opens up for you when you break free. I am so much happier now than I was in the borg. and my family notices that. They can't figure it out, I left Jehovah (which I didn't of course) I should be miserable like they are! So I have a question for you, what is the BEST thing about leaving? Here are a few: To be free to think, feel and do what I want, pursue what I want (I'm going for my masters degree and it feels fantastic) Enjoy your life, Martin Lawrence - the actor - said 'Life is a car, ride it till the wheels come off!' I know he's no Aristotle but it's so true - be thankful you found out in time to really live - For a change, do it your way. - Victorian Sky

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