Foetus baptism

by Fay Dehr 12 Replies latest social humour

  • Fay Dehr
    Fay Dehr

    Foetus baptism - surely coming to a Watchtower study article soon? JW parents are reminded of 2 Ti.3:14,14 "from infancy you have known the holy writings". And the Watchtower explains the Greek word bre'phos "infancy" as follows: " is generally used of an unborn child." ( There you have it folks! It's just a matter of time before foetus baptism is encouraged...

    Anyone care to speculate how the brother that is in charge of immersions will cater for that type of baptism candidate?

  • sparrowdown

    Infancy = unborn child wtf ?

    All I can imagine is some Hamdmaid's Tale style ceremony that involves reading scriptures to baby bumps and a bath ??

  • steve2

    I am drawn to the practise of baptising sperm so those that survive get off to the very best start.

  • MrRoboto

    Considering that a recent study article reinforced the official position of no infant baptism and that the baptisee should have accurate knowledge of good and his purpose (they unknowingly nullified every JW baptism with that one tho) otherwise the baptism doesn't count. Because of this,I don't think it will change any time soon.

    If it does change the way you suggest, they may simply have the pregnant woman go into the baptism pool chest deep, enough to cover the location of the womb.

    I think it could happen. It would either keep more kids in the bORG from birth on into adulthood.. or you may lose more kids to DFing than would be the case if they were not held responsible just yet.. because of... well we know how kids are... And those kids probably wouldn't go back to the bORG.. Roll of the dice there but the GoBo is not above that so who knows.

  • scary21

    I always kind of made a joke about how my mom was pregnant with me when she was baptized. So I was baptized in her womb. HA haha

    I guess it's not so funny now...

  • Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
    Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho

    Kind of like how Islam teaches that everyone is born a Muslim.

    JWs would love it if this applied to their faith because then they'd have grounds to completely shun the entire would for not bowing to the Governing Body.

  • Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
  • _Morpheus
  • stuckinarut2

    Well, a baby is already surrounded by fluid in the womb right? So technically they just need to be asked the two questions, and answer "in a clear and affirmative wahhhh" and march out with a kingdom melody playing in the background!

  • Fay Dehr
    Fay Dehr

    Hi Stuckinarut2. You make a good point "technically they just need to be asked the two questions" - maybe a "simplified" version of the "Organized" book is needed, with the 2 baptism questions simplified for "unborn infants" to comprehend? Of course, verbal communication is not the only available form of communication. I only know a little about haptic and kinaesthetic communication, but if these little people are responding to songs then let's just go with this: if they respond to the playing of "Sing out Joyfully" songs, or even "original songs" in the monthly broadcast, then surely that is sufficient response to indicate their life-long contract to the Borg? Of course, if they respond to Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries" then they're not ready for baptism yet...

    To recap, when the elders "go through the questions", the "infant" has already:

    • Attended all weekly meetings
    • Been consistently present for Family Worship
    • Regularly been out in service with their mother
    • Remained completely silent (this indicating tacit approval) during brother Oldie's item when he asked "Does anyone here have ANY doubts in the Governing Body?" - Surely, a key doctrine these days.
    • When questioned, the parents were emphatic that the "infant's" request to be baptised was entirely their own personal choice

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