Oh no. Peace and comfort to you and yours.
My Mom Is Dying
by minimus 124 Replies latest jw friends
MINIMUS- I'm sorry to hear of this latest turn of events. Please know that we are with you in spirit my friend. Sending our love, Mr. & Mrs. Flipper -
So sorry, such sad news. -
((((((Minimus)))))) -
I'm sorry to hear this sad news, Minimus.
And I'm sorry that I've postponed commenting until now - I've been feeling down myself recently and in all honesty couldn't stomach a thread of this type until today. Sorry about that.
Your mother is long-lived, and I hope what life remains her is as comfortable and pain-free as possible.
If your parents are still living, love them dearly. You only have one mother or father - ain't that the truth. I only have one still alive - my father - but I have fond memories of my mother ...
Take care, Min.
Thinking of you at this time. It is hard to endure, very hard...been there...... -
Sending my thoughts and fond regards to you and your family Min.
Sincere love mate. -
Minimus: So sad to hear of her condition. I can only say that my dad was in her position and nothing they could do would help.... a passing filled with great grief.... regards, and thoughts to you and your family at this sad time..
JW GoneBad
Sorry to hear about your mom's health and suffering.:(:(:(