My Mom Is Dying
by minimus 124 Replies latest jw friends
minimus - please accept my sincerest thoughts and prayers for your troubles. Stay strong my friend. God bless you and your family. -
compound complex
I'm so very sorry, Minimus. Thinking of you at this difficult time. I wish my parents were still here . . . so much I've learned in life but cannot share with them.
:rose: -
I'm going to second "under the radar's" idea. If nothing else, just be there to hold her hand.
Please, accept my sympathy.
I too am facing the same prospect with my mom. It makes it a little harder when those oh so "loving" brothers and sisters in her congregation have thrown her to the curb, and my dad too. Both of them a long ways away, and no company from the "friends"
It makes it a little easier knowing others are going through similar trials. Hang in there and as you said, love her.
Wow. So sorry. Both my parents are still alive, late 70s, but I know the clock's ticking. Since losing my JW hope, the whole death thing has been for me a subject of a lot of thought and contemplation.
Again, very sorry.
Iown Mylife
Hey Minimus,
It is a very sad time to go through. I'm glad you let us know here. I always read your posts and appreciate you. Sorry you're having to lose your mom that you love so well.
You were very lucky to have had a close and loving relationship for so many years. Although that doesn't take away the pain of losing her, it means you will always have those memories, and that's a lot.