This is absolutely astounding. I had no idea this kind of thing went on. Jaysus!
Prisca - What did you do next?
UncleBruce - That young? My god, aren't there any laws down there?
All of You - I'll be damned if I know what to say...or think. This is just too much...and all of it from people who are supposed to prove themselves disciples by the "love" they have "among themselves." My God, if you can't love your own minor children, what the hell good are you? What kind of person could push out a minor child and then go to sleep at night?
{{{{{{{{{{All Y'All}}}}}}}}
How do you overcome such a thing? How many of you have been in therapy? My parents don't speak to me and haven't for twenty out of the last 23 years, but I was a grown man when we parted company - and still I went to therapy in order to help me deal with the anger.
I'm astounded. What strength you folks must have now.
With a Great Deal of Respect,