How many here were thrown outa the house @ a young age by jw parents?

by avishai 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Dansk

    Hey Outy,

    I didn't know, buddy! (((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))) from your buddy in England.



    Hey Dansk,thanks bud..It`s been decades but it still pisses me off..I could tell other stories that would shock most anyone..Thank god my kids want nothing to do with the WBTS,of course I raised them that way.....OUTLAW

  • MegaDude

    Threatened with being kicked out a couple of times. Everytime I did something my fanatical self-appointed annointed mother didn't like (like going to a KISS concert) she would threaten me and yell at me. She liked slapping us in the face extremely hard when she really got pissed. I started threatening back. Then she would tell my worldy father I was being mean to her and try and turn him against me. He would take her side since he was clueless on what really went on at home and threaten to kick me out. And I was a good JW at the time! I just didn't measure up to her lofty fanatical JW standards. Then that fake Christian hell-mother began driving my youngest sister into an early nervous breakdown because she wanted to go to college. I went over there and got in her face and told her to back off. She freaked and left the house and threatened to call the police on me. My sister moved out of the house to get away from her even though she couldn't afford it.

  • figureheaduk

    Absolutely astounded by some of the stories on this page - and to think that the WT$ tries to paint itself to the public as a "loving" religion. Loving...... my ass!

    Love and freindship to you all


  • ApagaLaLuz

    Before I ever did ANYTHING but start to question some things, the Elders in my hall suggested my parents kick me out to save the spirituality of the household. My parents said 'no way.' But after a lot of pressure, they asked me to leave about 4 weeks later. Thankfully I saw it coming and had already set up a place. I was working a good job. I was 19. But I was in the process of buying a car from my JW aunt and uncle. I owed 500.00 of the 2500.00 I originally agreed on. They sold it. So I was forced to buy a new truck on my own. But I survived it. And now everything is peachy keen.

    Chevy of the 'knock on wood' class

  • obiwan

    Hey thanks Fire Dragon and thank you to everyone else who knows the same kind of pain.Francois, I have had some counseling but it was more directed at my time as a dub. I have to say that because of my youth and that kind of treatment I do have more sympathy for children with bad homes or homeless people for that matter sometimes crap happens through no fault of your own and your on the streets. I have seen some people on here post that if your homeless that you did something in your past situation to cause it, absolutely untrue I've been homeless twice, once for my father and once for being df'd ( I was living with some dub "friends" ).

    The small children who's parents treat them like crap just makes me shake my head in disbelief. But you know what rally scares me is children copy what there parents do and see, thats one reason why I don't want children I know, I know people will say your not your father but think about it, how many of us have said "when I have children I won't treat them like that"....and then one day you find you do the same things your parents did. I've not even mentioned the abuse I suffered or saw my mother suffer. How can anyone believe in anything when you see that kind of treatment.

  • calamityjane

    At 15 I was asked to make the choice of staying and abiding by the rules and if not, to leave. I opted for the reluctantly abiding by the rules, of course as long as they didn't find out I was still breaking them it was okay. Not fun living a lie.

    But where was I suppose to go at age 15?

  • ApagaLaLuz


    I can sympathize with you. I too grew up with severe physical abuse. My sister has used it as an excuse and has repeated my parent's mistakes. I learned from them though, and thus far have done completely oposite of the things I occured. I worked things out with my mother. She and I have grown together. And I hope I have helped her work through things to. There's a poem by Robert Frost about the road less traveled. I always remembered that poem growing up. And the final line says "And that is what has made all the difference." It's very true. You're right though, sometimes we're put in situations we REALLY have no control over. It's what we make of those situations that count

  • freeman

    I know of two boys in the same family that were kicked out by their asshole elder father, one was 17 and the other was 19 or 20. One boy was told to leave because he went “worldly”, the other was told to go not long after he was DFed. The older of the two brothers is now a heroine addict, and the younger brother is trying to keep him alive and sober. Their family has cut them off entirely. The loving asshole elder his father who was always too busy with out of state “quick-builds” to properly take care of his kids has been removed as an elder, now he is just an ordinary asshole.

    I wonder if this sort of thing happens in other cults too?


  • 95stormfront

    I know that it is tough to live out there in the world but I don't understand the "kicked out at 25" thing. You really didn't expect for your parents to take care of you forever..did you???

    I have a relative whose kids have been out of school for a number of years. They are not going to school and display no ambition. All they do is work on modifying the cars provided to them by their parents and consume. The youngest one has never held a job for any longer than a few months and quits whenever he has a few hundred dollars saved that he can use for fun for a few months.

    Their JW mom have just about had it with their attitude. She feels that now is the time for her to spend persueing her own sidetracked needs and desires along with her husband instead of feeling bound to providing for her adult kids lifestyles.

    Just how long are you supposed to wait for your kids to resolve to take care of themselves. It seems to me that most of the kids out there today feel that they are entitled to living the lifestyle they want supported by their parents for as long as they can get away with it instead of working hard creating their own life.

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