2018 BRANCH ORGANIZATION Manuel Says The members of the Governing Body do not regard themselves as the leaders of Jehovah's people.

by Fabian 29 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • truth_b_known

    If these guys were on the witness stand, under oath, in a trial and asked the question -

    "Is the Governing Body the leaders of Jehovah's Witnesses?" and answered "No. Jehovah is the leader. We are merely the ones who take the lead in directing Jehovah's Witnesses as Jehovah's Holy Spirit directs us to."

    These clowns would be brought up on charges of aggravated perjury.

    It is a total political "double speak" answer. "We're not the leaders. Jehovah is the leader. He tells us what to tell you. If you disobey us you are disobeying Jehovah and therefor need to be shunned."

  • sir82

    The Governing Body is organized to take the lead as Jehovah directs it by holy spirit.

    The members of the Governing Body do not regard themselves as the leaders of Jehovah's people.

    Someone who is hunting is a hunter.

    Someone who is driving a car is a driver.

    Someone who is reading is a reader.

    But, somehow, the governing body manages to "take the lead" yet are not "leaders".

    Can someone smarter than me explain that?

  • blondie

    I have had the same reaction, sir82, and mentioned in some of my comments in the past. I called it talking out of both sides of their mouth. There are other things they have said that fall into this category.

    My explanation is the WTS/GB talks out of both sides of their mouth. (sorry for the following format and adding this after some good comments)

    ยท Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 01-10-10 WT Study (PRAYER/ BIBLE STUDY)

    by blondie in

    1. Jehovah's Witnesses

    2. Friends

    9 years ago

    If the elders "take the lead" doesn't that make them leaders?. . QUOTES. *** g77 8 /8 p. 27 Women in the Pulpit? ***.

    by blondie in

    1. Jehovah's Witnesses

    2. Friends

    7 years ago

    He. may have appointed older men to take the. lead, as was the case in other congregations.. (Acts 14:23) But after ... COMMENTS. . brothers who were taking the lead but not LEADERS. . How many ...

    by blondie in

    1. Jehovah's Witnesses

    2. Friends

    7 years ago

    How is it that jw males can take the lead without being considered leaders?. What were the male

  • RubaDub

    My explanation is the WTS/GB talks out of both sides of their mouth.

    Blondie ... I agree.

    My explanation would be they are talking through their hats ... while sitting on their hats.

    As we have seen over many years, it's amazing how the sphincter muscle can be trained.

    Rub a Dub

  • sir82

    My explanation is the WTS/GB talks out of both sides of their mouth.

    Yes I agree.

    What gets me is that the sentences I quoted above are consecutive. Literally, the very next words after "we take the lead" are "we are not leaders".

    Only the very very stupid or the very very arrogant would attempt something like that.

    Edit to note: By having the sentences placed consecutively, the GB demonstrates their utter contempt for their adherents.

    It's like a math teacher stating within the same breath "2 + 2 = 4" and then "2 + 2 = 5".

    And if you disagree with either statement you get sent to the office.

    They are in effect daring a thinking JW (if there are any left) to challenge the absurdity of their statements. They arrogantly expect that no "loyal" JW would do so. They so despise JWs that they demand that they accept utter nonsense as true, and revel in the adulation that they expect to receive for providing such "deep" material.

    Yeah, something is "deep".

  • blondie
  • tiki

    Well...they surely have super inflated egos if nothing else.

  • sparky1

    Jehovah's Witnesses 'governors' have been playing the game of 'follow the non-leader' with their congregants since the time of Pastor Russell. Still marching in circles, still getting nowhere.

  • steve2

    They act like leaders, speak like leaders, write like leaders, direct like leaders. They just don't like calling themselves leaders because even they can see it has unfavourable connotations from a religious perspective (e.g., all their criticism of the religious leaders of the churches of Christendom).

    They lift playing with words to an art form. Who else would call preaching "a privilege" or disfellowshipping "a loving provision"?

    These men are experts at word games. As Blondie has said, they speak out of both sides of their mouths.

    Whatever they say to the contrary, the fact is they are leaders of JW organization.

  • OrphanCrow
    Steve: They just don't like calling themselves leaders because even they can see it has unfavourable connotations from a religious perspective (e.g., all their criticism of the religious leaders of the churches of Christendom).

    ... because they can see it has unfavorable connotations from a legal perspective

    "We are not responsible! Leaders? Nope, not us"

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