The organizations position, if pressed, is that they prefer dubbies not to read the FINISHED MYSTERY book, because, even though it served Gods purpose and stirred Christendoms priesthood into “a white heat of hate”, the book contains some “Satanic Thoughts” that God allowed to slip in there for some reason. Anyway, I thought I might present some of these “Satanic Thoughts” so that the household of faith can know what they need to be on guard against.
Satan seems to have slipped in a lot of his own thinking, especially when it comes to the books interpretation of the SYMBOLS of Revelation and what these mean. A list of some of these follows.
Revelation Chapters 2 and 3 : The Angels to the 7 churches are listed as St Paul, St John, Arius, Peter Waldo, Wycliffe, Martin Luther and CT Russell. Each of these leads prospective members of Gods household through set periods of History.
The books interpretation of Revelation 6 is certainly CRAWLING with Satanic thoughts. Actually, its hard to find a single aspect of their interpretation of this chapter that ISNT Satanic. About the first rider, that one on a “white horse” the book says this rider is (page 106): “… The Bishop of Rome, the embryo Pope, the personal representative of Satan, and the Bow he carries symbolizes that: “They bend their tongues like the bow for lies”. There is the Pope, inserted into the position reserved for the enthroned Christ. About the “Red horse” it says: “….The color of sin, imperfection, - ‘Though your sins be as scarlet….’.
And so on. All of these riders are interpreted as Papacy, the Roman Catholic Church and its wicked behaviours. Of course the Organization now understands this vision to be referring to Christs 1914 enthronement and the 1914 World War and 1918 Spanish Influenza epidemic.
Chapter 6,verse 12 of Revelation says : “And a great earthquake occurred and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood, and the stars of heaven fell to the earth” The book interprets these as literal events that occurred in the 1700s, for example: “…literally the great Lisbon earthquake, November 1, 1755, which extended over 4,000,000 square miles..” and “…Literally ‘the dark day’ of May 19 th , 1780 which extended over 250,000 square miles…”
Pertaining to Revelation Chapter 8, with its Seven “Trumpet Blasts” These are interpreted as 7 religious movements formed since the time of Martin Luther. For example on page 152 the book says: “..And the Fourth Angel sounded- The Baptist sectarian movement began….About 1644 they began making a considerable figure in England, and spread themselves into several separate congregations..” So these 7 trumpet blasts are Protestant sects that formed, starting with the Lutherans. Of Course the Organization today holds that these trumpet blasts are 7 proclamations delivered at 7 conventions between 1922 and 1928.
Revelation 11, the “Two Witnesses” , killed, and now held to be symbolic of the 1918 killing off of the remnants ‘public preaching work’, are interpreted by the Finished Mystery as the suppression of the Bible, (OT and NewT) In France during the French Revolution.
The Finished Mysteries interpretation of Revelation 12 is very interesting. In modern parlance a ‘woman’ (Gods Heavenly organization) gives birth to a ‘male child’ (The King, Christ Jesus). In Finished Mystery, The ‘woman’ is named as “The early Church” and the child she births is Antichrist. The book says (page 187) “And She brought forth a male child… The papacy…..Who was to rule all the nations with an iron rod… The authority given to St Peter and his successors ,excels all the power of Earthly Kings..” Certainly this interpretation is Satanic brothers, That wicked old Devil trying to inject Himself into the position appointed for Jesus to occupy. Shocking.
The Beasts of Revelation 13. These are now understood to be A beast composed of the 7 world powers of History and the “lamb” beast is understood to be the USA / British alliance. The Finished Mystery sees differently. The Beast ‘out of the sea’ is Papacy, as to the “lamblike” beast it is the Church of England. Its two horns are declared to be England and Ireland. ( page 200) The “image” to the first beast is a composite of all the sects that have formed since Martin Luther nailed a piece of paper to a church door.
The bowls of Revelation 16. Since 1919 Jehovah has gradually revealed that these are the same 7 proclamations and Conventions as those that fulfilled the ‘Trumpets’ prophecy. Finished Mystery declares these 7 bowls of Christendoms agony to be Pastor Russells 7 volumes of Scripture studies. Makes sense to me brothers.
One wonders how an organization that is currently so RIGHT could get it so Totally WRONG. I think it fair to say that the vast majority of their former interpretation of Revelation pre 1919 was in gross error. Satan certainly pulled one over the Org prior to 1919.That’s for sure.