What with the Behemoth being the steam engine or something like that,its a real I opener 2 jws.
"Satanic Thoughts" in The Finished Mystery
by refiners fire 19 Replies latest watchtower bible
Hello Refiners Fire,
thanks for the quote from the "Finished Mystery".
They are a proof of the nonsense of those two
'brothers' who compiled it, following the orders
of our great and well known judge 'J.F. Rutherford'!
Thanks again for taking you time to post your
Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp
Hello Greven,
thanks for the excellent addition to this topic.
Your quotes are ...gems!!!
Imho, that 'brother' Woodworth was surely
a great pal of demons!
Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp
Hello Greven and Refiners Fire,
just more information, concerning:
"C. J. Woodworth was a major individual during the Rutherford period of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.
He wrote the commentary on Revelation in the 1917 book The Finished Mystery. Rutherford made him editor of The Golden Age magazine (later called Consolation) from its inaugural edition in 1919 to 1946."
from this link:
Over and over again, the society is stepping on thin ice in referring to this old stuff. It is the old ploy of theirs: Bring it up, refer to it boldly, and the rank and file will be reassured that if they talk about it, or say it, it is RIGHT.
Reference the articles about the people who respected the writings of CT Russell; the rank and file will be reassured that if they are quoting him, that he is ok and trustworthy. The problem is, if any have the nerve to go on the net and research, boy are they in for a surprise.
WHY in the world would they even mention CJ Woodworth, when he obviously had mental problems?
refiners fire
..."WHY in the world would they even mention CJ Woodworth, when he obviously had mental problems?"...
I would explain it that, their own guilt and their impulse to justify and rationalize all the bullshit of the past keeps making them mention the unmentionable.Think about the unthinkable. And attempt to justify the unjustifiable.
Clayton Woodworth was certainly a crackpot. That's for sure. He was a strict vegetarian and health nut, too. All that crap about vaccines being "filthy animal pus" and statements like "you would be better off to slit your throat than have a tonsilectomy" that appeared in the Golden Age were his pet crackpot ideas. So was the "Radio Biola", the tirades against aluminum, what direction one should face when sleeping, and putting water out in the sun to let it absorb the sun's "healthful" rays.
He was the Fred Franz of the Russell era.
Another great post and great information for lurking dubbies to consider, RF.
Are you telling me that all this Revelation stuff is dealing with the dates of 1914-1919?
So when John penned those words......all the people who read them....from the first century until Russels time..... would have no idea what it was talking about because the events in it didn't unfold until Russels time?
I wonder how the FDS who was alive since pentecost was to understand Revelation all those years?
(My guess is they told everyone back at that time they would have to wait until Jehovah revealed it )
refiners fire
..."I wonder how the FDS who was alive since pentecost was to understand Revelation all those years?"...
Gumby. Whether they correctly understood Revelation or not isnt important, all that matters is that they were vigorously going forth from squalid mud humpy to squalid mud humpy, from flea infested straw hut to flea infested straw hut, and from wigwam to wigwam, preaching the good news of jehovahs kingdom.