Does God Exist? / Who is God? These are Questions which Lead nowhere. What is God Like, is the Correct Question.

by LAWHFol 48 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • LAWHFol

    cofty - Within the scope of physics, more complex equates to better.. So naturally to go from less complex to more complex is the same as going from good to better.

    The only religious connection that I have is that of a faded JW. That being said.. I do not have personal knowledge of the movement that you mentioned (Other than the knowledge that I've gained from other posters on this site accusing me of being part of the movement in the past.)

    I'm not Biased to any one Ideology, and for this reason, I retain information that makes sense, regardless of the source. I'm fascinated by Quantum Mechanics, and any spiritual teaching that corresponds to Macro physics, has my ear.

    P.S. I just checked out the website of this movement, and my first impression, is that it looks like a Business, just like all Organized Religions.

  • cofty
    Within the scope of physics, more complex equates to better..

    Says who?

    Your question was about "life" not physics.

  • LAWHFol

    Cofty -

    To your question, "Who says more complex is better".

    Life (And all that exists) as we know it, is "directed" / "guided" by the complex mechanics of Quantum Physics.

    To Illustrate a Proof of More Complex = Better :

    • Bacteria are among the simplest forms of Life, Bacteria are incredibly complex.
    • Humans are much more complex than Bacteria.
    • Humans are Better than Bacteria.

    In response to "Your question was about "life" not physics." - I do not see a Difference. Life is Physics.

  • cofty

    What a car-crash of a post.

    I have no time of patience to explain why you are not even wrong.

    As soon as I see somebody who clearly knows nothing about science use the word "quantum" I lose all interest in further conversation.

  • prologos
    LAWHFol5 hours ago
    prologos - what is meant by "a nothing" start..?

    I was referring to the idea that perhaps 14 billion years ago there was nothing, no thing. Now we can examine clearer and clearer all that has been made, has evolved since, how it was done, using what set of laws. so, imo the edifice we see and study is a study into the make-up of the possible creator. , the way studying the artifacts of a civilisation tells us a lot. , but not allm of the people that created it. s, . If there would be nothing, ?-- but there is. Religions that have tales of events that violate the natural laws as we have defined them, can not give a clear picture of a possible creator.

  • OnTheWayOut

    What is God like?

    If He has the power to prevent it, then the death of tens of thousands of children in a tsunami shows that He is a bastard.

    I could go on, but you get the point.

  • prologos
    OnTheWayOut -- bastard--?
    otwo, that implies that 'god' had an unmarried mother. I she is like my mother she would insist on protecting the children. that would spread the blame.
    re: tsunamis. the fact that coastal people have a name for them shows that wisdom would dictate where to build.

  • OnTheWayOut
    Prologos, if you are hung up on the word, use "asshole." Children did not have a say in where their parents should live, and we could use children in the Haiti earthquake or those with birth defects if you want to drop the coastal Indonesia part.
  • prologos

    otwo, the 'donkey's rear" (RNWT) would imply godly trumpet blasts like the ones in the 'revelation' book. My take is, that we should not apply our, sometimes bleeding heart qualities*** and project them onto the creator. I advocate instead to look at nature as it is, warts and all.

    *** , while munching on our ham-burger, bemoaning the feeding habits of lions and hyenas, that do not have the means of "humane" mass slaughter, that we have developed.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot


    "Do you feel that the Universe has a Consciousness?"

    The famous astronomer Carl Sagan said that we are star stuff contemplating star stuff and that we are the way for the Cosmos to know itself. No mysticism, just an atheist version of Pantheism.

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