The Borg has given up!!!!

by Crazyguy 23 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Crazyguy

    It's become obvious in the last few days that the Borg is done, done giving one dime over to the membership of the organization. They know or have been told that it's a waste of time to spend money trying to recruit new members so their cutting all out lays of money in this regard to the bone.

    They will continue to spend money where they can make a prophet, keeping the ones in, not thinking and donating. But all attempts by them to grow and recruit are done, it's all on the members now.

  • FayeDunaway

    Lol I just realized phonetically profit=prophet.

    and I agree, it seems they are not in growth mode but survival mode.

  • freemindfade
    the GB God's "profit"
  • Dunedain
    Yeah, survival of the FATTEST, not fittest. The fat pigs on top, are trying to survive, by gutting from the bottom up.
  • kairos

    I had a thought about this late last night.

    GB get "raptured" to some island getaway.
    All the money and real estate profits (prophets ) suddenly do, too.

    the end...

    The faithful can meet in basements and review old articles from their bound volumes until Harm-you-gettin' finally comes.

  • millie210

    Wasnt there a time when a whole bunch of people left because they didnt like some of Rutherfords changes?

    I think I read that.

    My point is perhaps the GB look at the rebound and the period of growth that followed that and think, "who cares" lets do what we need to ($$) and let the rest fall where it will. Then with the dead weight gone we will have a more efficient ($$) running Org and there will be regrowth.


  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath
    maybe the mormon church has offered to buy the wts out.
  • Diogenesister
    Someone posted recently and accidently spelt 'profit' as 'prophet', dicussing the borg of course. I thought it would be rude to point out the mistake but I thought it was quite apt.
  • Giordano
    A simplified chart of historical developments of major groups within Bible Students
  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    Someone posted recently and accidently spelt 'profit' as 'prophet'

    mistake ? i'm sure it was purely intentional

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