The Borg has given up!!!!
by Crazyguy 23 Replies latest watchtower scandals
The Searcher
But the big question is still this - "What has triggered this?", because on paper at least, the Org has cash coming in from every angle and has never been so rich in all its history. -
But the big question is still this - "What has triggered this?", because on paper at least, the Org has cash coming in from every angle and has never been so rich in all its history.
I suspect that on paper at least they will appear bankrupt. In reality I suspect that they have been working for a few years to make it look that way.
I really think they are ARE broke. I think they have in fact been telling the truth about their finances and for some time now the money coming in has been less than going out even though they have been selling off properties.
They have little cash, they have no hope, they are false prophets and now have no where to turn. The real Jehovah will not bail them out because they have used lies and deception to get them this far anyway, so they can't even turn to him. But the rank and file can, at least that's good news.
Pete Zahut
I was under the impression that the organization would be "bucks up" after the sale of the Brooklyn properties, but it just dawned on me that they may have continued acting as a printing company long past the time when they should have joined the internet/ high tech age. They may have been nearly broke or carrying heavy debt and needed to sell the Brooklyn properties to become solvent but it may have been too little too late. Perhaps they are going for broke these days, figuring that since things are turned upside down anyway, they may as well start over, toss out a whole bunch of their unproductive ways, redundant personnel and some of the no longer relevant doctrines. -
Their definitely acting broke or soon to be. The idea that their doing this as a ruse to try and throw off the pedophile lawyers doesn't make sense to me. The lawyers can go after property as well as cash and if they really were trying to protect themselves from this then they could give the kingdom halls back to the local congregations. They sold the properties in New York in a major down market, that's very telling. Then they went after the local halls money. But then like a bunch of idiots they went on a spending spree buying and building more properties, its like one side is doing one thing and another is trying to do something different. Finally it looks as thought the realist side won and now is pulling in the belt and tightening up the budget.
It does look as though they really have given up on any more expansion or growth plans. If your a company trying to make money this makes sense. Third world countries is where most of their growth has come from and that's a bad investment. Mean while the internet is killing off their profits in the first world countries. So some bean counter finally got through to them and said "get all the money while you can because its not going to get any better in the future".
On paper they just lost millions and millions of dollars by 'forgiving' all the KHall loans. -
How do you go from flush to broke in a matter of months? They have been running all over the Hudson Valley spending money like a drunken sailor. Buying apartment complexes, buying land for video production, putting temp workers up in many many hotels across Rockland, Westchester, Dutchess and Orange counties, renting shuttles. They even paid contractors to build a portion of Warwick so it could get done faster.
Then all of a sudden you're broke??? So broke you give your loyal constituents 1 week to get the hell out? So broke that you stop projects? So broke that you can't afford free labor?
Something really bad has happened. I can't wait to find out what it is.
I am not saying for sure these are all possible but any what ifs:
1. Brooklyn was financed top dollar at old say 1990's values and basically they have probably had to short sale the property.
2. They were most definitely counting on some significant financing on their big lakeside resort BUT now that it is a toxic dump site there is no financing in sight.
3. Add to #1 & #2 say maybe a few of their major donors did not OBEY during the ARC and they just figured out all the lying and child abuse and no longer want to be apart of Jehovah Witnesses.
Hi there all,
It occurred to me today that if the Watchtower were to declare chapter 11, the influx of traffic to this board would be of Biblical proportions. Triage and consolation on an epic scale.
So get ready ladies, gird your loins!
If the WT declares bankruptcy (can non-profits do that?) then every witness I know will be holed up in a basement expecting the four horseman to kill me.