Page 236:
QUOTE: "..The symbolic wild beast with seven heads and ten horns pictures "an eighth king," that is to say, an eighth world power. This world power came into existence after the end of the Gentile Times in 1914 C.E. and after World War I. Modern history identifies this Eighth World Power as being the international organization for world peace and security. This was formed in 1919 and went into operation early in 1920. The Seventh World Power, namely, the Anglo-American World Power, was largely responsible for the formation of that organization for world peace and security. (Revelation 13:11-15) It began under the name "The League of Nations." It sprang from the preceding seven world powers in that it combined in itself the Seventh World Power and all the relics of the preceding six world powers….. In 1939 C.E. the League of Nations went into the abyss of deathlike impotency because of the outbreak of World War II. After the close of World War II in the summer of 1945, this Eighth World Power that was assigned to safeguarding world peace and security ascended out of the wartime abyss, especially by the aid of the Seventh World Power, the dual world power of Britain and America. It took on a new name, United Nations. ..."
Anyone who thinks that says the UN will be run by the Anglo America power will just have to believe that. The Anglo America power is the 7th power. The UN is an 8th power, a seperate power that takes over from the anglo american power. Thats what it says. that what they meant.