Say goodbye...Armaggedon 15/ 05/ 03

by refiners fire 100 Replies latest jw friends

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Observers of Prophetic expectation/ Disappointment and post disappointment Rationalization will recognize THIS arguement. Apparently postulated by our dear Nancy of the Zeta in the past day or so. Its quoted from the "Troubled times chatroom" :

    QUOTE: "That theory being Nancy Lideder is telling the truth
    when she claims that this "White Lie" was created by the Zeta's as some
    sort of way to weed out or clear out the STS's from the STO's.

    As I've noticed in the this past week. Many of those that were
    considered hardcore Zeta believers suddenly at the very first signs
    of failure of posted dates began to change
    their positon, many jumped
    ship even in the very first hours of the 20th and instently joined
    the crowds of disbelievers and out right debunkers. In doing so they
    showed their true natures, their true colors. That being that all
    along they were STS's in lambs clothing. Here's the Radical concept
    which are you are you an STS or a STO?? Well with the 'White Lie' (a
    fantastic move) the Zeta's are forcing everyone to reveal their true
    the wheat is being seperated from the chaff, and the fense
    sitters forced to jump down into one side.

    Now is the time we get to see what truely lays in the heart and soul
    of everyone are you STS or are you STO."

    A Testing time brothers. A time for assessing whether one is a wise, or foolish virgin. A discreet slave? Or an Evil slave? lol.

  • m0nk3y

    OMG .. Oh My Fucking God!!!

    What a laugh!! What a joke HAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHA

    The sad thing is we all took this kind of thing seriously at one stage.

    *walks of laughing*

  • searchfothetruth

    Where have we heard that before?

    An elder told me (with a straight face ) that Jehovah had actually given the society the date of 1975 to cause a clean out of all those who were in the org 'just' to get saved at Armaggeddon, not really because they loved Jehovah.

    Same sh#t....different place

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Brothers, exactly the point of the whole thread.

    It follows the old established pattern. You can bank on her claiming invisible fulfillment in the end. Guarantee. She even hedged the expectation date 2 weeks before the predicted date arrived. Its all just TOO predictable.Its got to be something to do with unconscious forces in the human mi8nd. I cant see any other way to explain the rank predictability of the pattern they follow.

    Sorry. Im rambling a bit.

  • pr_capone

    Not at all Refiners. Thank you for keeping us updated on this mess. Its nice to know that there are others out there that are as fucked up as the JW's. Makes me feel a little better about wasting my time with them.

    Kansas District Overbeer

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Some interesting snippets of chat over there as everyone struggles to come to terms with the “disappointment”:

    QUOTE:…. “I have often felt let down, hoping they or something would show at a certain time, and subsequently they say it is my fault that I want to leave so badly.”

    The brothers were so eager to be with their Lord that they read things into the WT that were never said. Let everyone “adjust their thinking” accordingly.

    QUOTE: “Excellent point! I totally agree. In my opinion this "white lie" acted also as a final rehearsal for the real occasion. Then when the
    real one comes it will feel somewhat like you had experienced it
    already before and you'll be better mentally prepared for it. I
    quess we are going to have hard but very interesting times during
    the coming months.”

    A “True Believer” there!

    QUOTE: “People who have changed their lives based on Z material would probably have been looking for someone to
    follow anyway and joined a survival group if the Z's hadn't caught their
    attention first. They are responsible for their own actions. Ztalk recommended
    learning skills and planning an escape. They did not say drop everything and
    head for the hills. They were always clear that May 15 was the early date. They
    never said, "Believe in us". They said, "Check it out".”

    We never said it WOULD happen brothers! We told noone to sell their house and Pioneer! WE said nothing at all! We merely showed what the Bible says!

  • plmkrzy

    Maybe this is what the bible meant by troubled times hard to deal with.

    Always a rehearsal

    CUT! ...TAKE 452.798!

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    This is the kind of nightmare stuff going on on the Zetatalk (TT)Chat site over the past few days. Some here who went thru "1975" may feel a twinge of sympathy for some of the people involved. speculations, disappointment and desperation are rampant:

    QUOTE: This morning, my psychic friend Earthquake Mary phoned me to state that she got a very strong indication that a
    huge earthquake would beset California before May is over.

    Mary further predicted that this very large earthquake
    would initiate a process of setting off one, then another of
    the major "dormant" volcanos of the West Coast: Mt. Ranier,
    Seattle-Tacoma, and Mt. Saint Helens, Wa; Mt. Hood,
    Portland, OR; the Three Sisters, OR; possibly Crater Lake
    Volcano, Or; Mount Shasta, CA and Mount Lassen, CA. Earthquake
    Mary added that she felt that the enormous Long Valley
    Caldera adjacent to Mammoth Mountain, CA was also scheduled to
    explode massively in the near future.....

    The owner of “Pole Shift News” a staunch supporter of the "Channel":

    Update 5-21-03 - I am in the process of moving from California to another location eastward. The reasons for this move are many, but suffice it to say that the time has arrived to make the move a reality. I will continue the updates as soon as the move is complete and I am able to commit more time to this endeavor. This is something that must be done now and can no longer be put off. I simply must vacate California as soon as possible. I ask for your prayers...

    "Disappointed" follower Jack DeWitt asks on the 23/5/03:

    I believed Nancy was honest. I packed up and moved, along with my family, to Idaho until it became pretty obvious that nothing was happening or was gonna happen. I gave up work and a home to do this. And now I am back and I want explanations from Nancy. I do not want excuses or ever more elaborate conspiracy theories: face it, guys, the jig is up. PX ain't gonna happen. Cell phone connections dropping out are not proof of a pole shift.
    I admit I was stupid and taken for a ride, now the scales have fallen from my eyes and I KNOW I HAVE BEEN LIED TO. Telling your wife she looks great may be a "white lie". Promising the world is gonna end is a freakin' whopper.

    Nancy, Where is the giant cross in the sky?

    Nancy, Why are the sunrises and sunset still happening, and happening on time?

    Nancy, Where is the pole shift?

  • Francois

    I have never seen so much bad science in one place in my life. Petrocarbons? Since petroleum is basically carbon-based, the new term is like saying carboncarbons.

    Our astrophysics are so good we now are picking out comets and space rocks no bigger than an SUV, but we can't find this mega planet?

    Marduk? Wasn't there a middle-eastern god named Marduk? I think he was Jehovah's brother, wasn't he?

    Oh well, the 15th was nine days ago and we're all still here.

    This is what comes of foretelling the future. Someone notify the WTBTS.


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Frank. (And interested parties) The Channel of communication, Nancy Lieder, has, in the past day, posted a lengthy explanation of the apparent "disappointment" on her website. Among the explanations is this one which Im sure will be VERY FAMILIAR:


    "Shortly after May 15, 2003 was given as the time frame for the passage thoughout the body of ZetaTalk text. This was abreviated in discussions to May 15, 2003 but the actual words of the Zetas was always shortly after May 15, 2003, without clarification as to the exact date of rotation stoppage or shift. Below, the actual words of the Zetas in ZetaTalk.

    ..."The comet will be visible to the eye for approximately 7.3 weeks, certainly no less than 43 days, prior to the great gravitational and magnetic disruption we have described. All will be aware of it, though most will discount its presence.

    ZetaTalk: Time Frame , 1995 "....

    ..."The date of May 15th has often been referred to as an early date, to some degree . This is early to some degree , the number of days or weeks not specified . Anyone who has severed their life elsewhere and is in a safe place by May 15th will not find this distressing, or have any regrets.

    ZetaTalk: Hour of the Shift , Nov 2001 "....

    ..."Thus, you have Planet X in the news, under every subject but the inbound planet that will pass on May 15, 2003 or shortly thereafter .

    ZetaTalk: Solar Flares , Jun 2002 ".....

    We have stated that Planet X will be visible in the daytime sky, 7 weeks before passage. Given that we have stated that passage is shortly after May 15, 2003, as at this time those wanting to survive should be at their safe locations, this is putting the visibility into the last week of March at the earliest.

    ZetaTalk: April 2003 , Jan 2003 ………………………..


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