To clarify:
On this site, and others, I regularly come across people who say they are "Moving on", or "Getting a life for themselves", or simply stating that they have "Outgrown this place".
Now, I'm not talking about people who have simply got bored with posting, or are cheesed off with someone else and decide not to post anymore. I'm talking about ex's who have come here purely as some sort of therapy exercise and believe that, once recovery is achieved, that "Moving on" is a necessary conclusion to their re-adjustment back to normality.
In other words, like Sandra Bullock believed in "28 Days", they assume that leaving is a sign that they are no longer operating dysfunctionally. Look at me! I'm cured! I've left!
Me? well, I solved most of my dub hang ups over a period of years well before the advent of the internet. I'm delighted that I learnt a lot more reasons as to why the WT is so wrong, and that I learned much of that from sites such as this. But I don't feel any sort of dependancy on this site other than the fact that I love many of the folk here. I post here because I like it here. It's as simple as that.
How about you?