Utah announced next month no masks . There will always be worriers that will double mask in their cars alone.
Masks Are Coming Off
by minimus 137 Replies latest jw friends
FedUp l must respectfully hope that l am right and you are wrong , but only time will tell : )
Our ( UK ) roadmap out of lockdown should end with us being relatively back to normal by the end of June . Restrictions are being eased gradually, with an eye on numbers. So your theory will be tested over the next few weeks .
Rocketman12316 hours ago
We have governments to thank for protecting their populations, as well financing and distributing the vaccines which is going to put their populations back to a state of normalcy.
Is it valid to be overly critical and disrespectful for these people's objectives and endeavors ?
Governments to thank???
Who exactly do you think is going to pay for this mess? You and I. Where I live the response was bungled from day one. But what do you expect when our health minister is a graphic designer and our prime minister is a substitute teacher living off his wealthy families trust fund.
Either way we are saying good bye to this virus problem this year.
Rocketman, I sometimes wonder if there was REALLY A VIRUS PROBLEM.
Looking over the CDC's website on what caused the death of someone who died of Covid, in most cases it was the underling conditions that cause the death of 99 percent of the people that died of Covid.
The persons that are dying had hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, pulmonary disease, etc, or were just old and in bad health. Covid was just a stronger flu that all these people with health problems to begin with just needed that extra push to die and Covid provided that extra push.
But on the death Certificate, they put Covid as the cause of death when in reality it was the underling condition or just plain old age and bad health that was the real cause of death.
For healthy people Covid was not a problem. When I got Covid, I was sick for a day. All my friends my age were sick at most for two days. Covid was no a problem for us in any way. Covid was just flu that was exploited by the politicians.
I think our political leaders are using this to push their political agenda.
Pistol , with respect just because covid wasn't a problem for you doesn't mean that it isn't a problem for all those people with underlying health problems, many of whom are young people . Should they simply be allowed to die because they have other problems , like a disability?
Also what about the strain on hospitals coping with so many people who are extremely ill needing expert nursing ?
The knock on effect of other patients not getting the care they need , what about them ?
TBH, I think it's a bit premature in the US because your vaccination scheme isn't going well.
However, our vaccination rollout is going great in Britain, so I think our masks should start coming off here.
CDC now says if you are vaccinated, you shouldn’t have to wear a mask or stay 6 feet apart from others that are also vaccinated
Should they simply be allowed to die because they have other problems , like a disability?
BUT THEY DID DIE ANYWAY------Didn’t they!
They died because in most cases the disability was self-inflicted.
I’m just referring to my country USA.
The majority of 80 plus year old people that died had respiratory problems because they smoked their whole life. Others had diabetes as an underling problem because they kept eating donuts in the morning for breakfast and pie with coke in the evening for dinner. Even though all our health advisers continually warn these people that their diet is going to kill them if they don’t make changes. It's what kills many every year here in the USA.
Heart disease: 659,041
Cancer: 599,601
Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 156,979
Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 150,005
Diabetes: 87,647
Also what about the strain on hospitals coping with so many people who are extremely ill needing expert nursing? The knock on effect of other patients not getting the care they need ,what about them ?
And this is what many see when their vision is Myopic.
In the USA, hospitals closed off all “Routine services” to people that needed life saving therapies like their Chemo Therapies. There were many young 28, 29, 30 plus young ladies with cancer who were refused their chemo treatment for their breast cancer. At first it was just supposed to be one month, then it turned into two months, then three, then indefinitely. Many- Many, young vibrant ladies died because they were refuse Chemo because the hospitals put the 80 -90 years old obese, diabetic smoker with Covid FIRST and rejected to help these young mothers with cancer.
As a result hundreds perhaps thousands of mothers died leaving children without mothers and husband without wives to help them raise the children.
And those 80 plus elderly with underline problems -----DIED ANYWAY.
And don’t get me started on the tons of children suicides because of the lock down for over a year.
The thousands of broken families because they lost their means of making a living because of the lock down, and as a result losing their home and becoming homeless.
Why has this happened?
Because the governing leaders wanted to lock down the entire country to help the 80, 90 plus years old people who smoked, drank, pigged out on food and became obese and ignore the young people with real problems like cancer, heart problems, depression.
A lot of my neighbors in my block are old people in their 80s, 90s. And most of them got Covid. They were sick a few days and that was it. They didn’t need to go to the hospital for urgent care. But these neighbors of mine take care of themselves. Most have never smoked. All of them walk or run every day and include weight lifting in their exercise routine. None of them are obese, or diabetic. All of them know how to eat nutritional meals and avoid sweet sodas, candy, processed food, etc. The 90 year old couples look like they are in their fifties or sixties. Very little gray hair and all the men have a full head of hair.They are healthy as heck because they treasure life and take care of themselves.
If you think the lock down was instituted to HELP the elderly, think again, the governing leaders never intended to help the elderly.
The lock down had a different agenda.
joey jojo
In the U.K, the number of cancer patients suspected of dying because of interruption to treatment is about 3- 4000. The total number of deaths from covid is about 125 000 as of today.
In the U.S, since March 2020,there is a clear picture of excess deaths in the community, that is, an excess of people that died compared to normal.
I couldnt find any figures for the amount of cancer patients that have died because of interruptions to treatment in the U.S.
Pete, it sounds like you are making some assumptions about health. Many people have to deal with a variety of health problems through no fault of their own, including type 1 diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol.
I think there is a point to be made about the collateral damage of covid restrictions but at the same time, I believe governments were preparing for the worst. The severity of the illness made some question the need for strict measures but who gets to make that decision- Facebook professors, or real scientists? Also, how much more severe would covid have to be before non-believers took it seriously- 10%, 30%? Who gets to make that decision?
Finally, people doing nothing and letting the virus spread increases the chance of it mutating into something far worse, that's the reason I personally felt restrictions and lock-downs made sense, if they were properly implemented and followed.
Is it just me or do evangelical anti mask right wingers remind you of uber jehovah witnesses. I think the watchtower has already written the book on pointless government confrontation and the everyone is out to get me complex.
I just wear a mask now because it pisses the inbreds off now. Americans generally act like spoiled teenagers who never got spanked as kids.