Watchtower have proved over the years that they can change anything and the sheep will still follow. It is only thanks to the internet that they are now starting to go downhill fast
Apostasy endorsed in this yesterday's Watchtower Study
by doubtfull1799 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Only in the WT, can the words say one thing while the opposite is what JWs believe. Been a few of these in the watchtowers over the last month or so, 1: Unlike Christendom, we don't have human leaders because we follow the GB. 2: We dont take money by passing the plate around at meetings, like Christendom do, but please make sure you contribute your monthly donations.
The Searcher
Just as SKIN says - double-speak is the WTBTS's fundamental M.O.
My favourite is the one where they preach out of one side of their mouth about Christ's reign being so wonderful.........................
w15 10/15 pp. 19-20 par. 6 - "For example, consider the "Photo-Drama of Creation,"........which concluded by describing the coming, peaceful Thousand Year Reign of Jesus Christ."
w14 1/15 p. 16 par. 15 - "After the Messianic King destroys God’s enemies, he will throw Satan and his demons into an abyss for a thousand years.......The entire earth [during the 1000 years] will reflect the paradise conditions of the garden of Eden.
w08 2/15 p. 28 par. 7 - "....peaceful rest and other blessings that mankind will experience under the Thousand Year Reign of Christ..."
w03 1/15 p. 6 - "Only after Satan is hurled into the abyss of inactivity will the Thousand Year Reign of Jesus Christ begin. What a delightful place this earth will then be! Gone will be wickedness and those who cause it."
........while out the other side of their mouth they say this -
bh p. 214 par. 3; "Those resurrected thus come to life with a clean slate, so to speak. Thus, individuals will be judged on the basis of what they do during Judgment Day."
uw chap. 9 p.76 par.12; "They will be "judged individually according to their deeds" performed after their resurrection."
w82 4/1 p. 25 par. 18; "Both "those who did good things" and "those who practiced vile things" will be among "those dead" who will be "judged individually according to their deeds" performed after their resurrection."
w78 9/1 p. 22 par. 9; "There will then be two outcomes possible. As Jesus indicated, at John 5:28, 29, they will either turn to the course of doing good things or turn to the practicing of vile things."
Come on "faithless & corrupt slave," make up your mind. Which one is Jesus going to use? The "iron rod" of Revelation 2:27 or a piñata stick?
I wonder if the LDC building few new Kingdom Halls, but mostly consolidating existing one is one such decision they are referring too.
Well I think it's safe to say that most of us here have already adjusted our faulty decision (getting baptized) based on new and accurate information. Interestingly, have mentioned this to my, still-in, wife so many, many times. If wt can adjust there thinking and teachings, based on new information (aka-new light) why is it that forcefully require members to shun those individual members who use the same reasoning?
She was sweating after the wt meeting yesterday when she saw it in print. Changing your decisions can be a very good thing--so sayeth the wt!
just saying!
In our congregation the comments were mainly to give excuse to the GB when they change their mind, as it is called now refining the teachings.
All comments, as other mention, are one way - our decisions should be made inline with Jehovah or GB, they are the only ones that can alter decisions related to our worship. Sheep can not handle this.
They only mean that they themselves, the leadership, have a right to change their minds. Their followers should just follow whatever they say, or be rebellious apostates. I agree that they are covering their asses, possibly going to come out with a big change soon, maybe 1914, that the faithful will deny is of any real significance.
Don't let others make decisions for us? HUH? JW's always let the GB make decisions for them....
8. What important lesson about decision-making do we learn from Israel’s history?
8 The above-mentioned examples convey to us a clear lesson. It is up to each of us to make decisions, and the wise, right choices are based on sound Scriptural knowledge. Galatians 6:5 reminds us: “Each one will carry his own load of responsibility.” (Ftn.) We should not give someone else the responsibility to make decisions for us. Rather, we should personally learn what is right in God’s eyes and choose to do it.
9. Why can it be dangerous to let others decide for us?
9 How might we give in to the danger of letting others choose for us? Peer pressure could sway us to make a bad decision. (Prov. 1:10, 15) Still, no matter how others try to pressure us, it is our responsibility to follow our Bible-trained conscience. In many respects, if we let others make our decisions, we are essentially deciding to “follow them.” It is still a choice, but a potentially disastrous one.
In other words, Bend over , the Governing Body (tm) is getting ready to 'feed' you some New Light!
strange that wt will disfellowship people for disagreeing on doctrinal decisions , they made, that they later change, but will not automatically reinstate those that had it right in the first place,
I tried making that point some years ago when the "light" got brighter and the gb decided that they and only they were the "the slave". Thirty-five years or more ago at least one person was DF'd for believing that "the slave" could not be all self-proclaimed anointed on earth and could only be a small group of men. I wonder why he wasn't posthumously reinstated now that that is the current "truth"?