So much for them Running Out Of Money
Jehovah's Witnesses Announce Plans to Build Giant Media Center
by iwantoutnow 31 Replies latest watchtower bible
neat blue dog
It would be interesting if they did a major general theatrical release, like they did 105 years ago.
Or a television special, like they did 53 years ago.
The WTS right now is playing with hundreds of millions $$$ which they derived from the sale of many of its branches around the world, particularly from its Brooklyn properties.
...and they have the audacity to ask children for their candy money.
What a proportionate shit organization !
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Let it honestly be said that the Watchtower Corporation and its self made supporting members the JWS organization have been involved in a commercialized fraud, mostly inundated by selling a tainted commercialized version of the Gospel of Jesus.
Religious charlatanism dome right
Pete Zahut
They’ve found themselves a money making side hustle. Supplying their 8 million built in customers with more propaganda videos with storylines that feature attractive, well dressed (scarf wearing) characters who live in professionally decorated homes in places where it’s always a sunny day (except when weak ones or worldly people become I involved in the story, then the lighting becomes dim, the colors dull and the actors suddenly aren’t quite as chipper or wholesome looking).
If each of the 8 million JWs buy one video for a $10 “donation”, they’ve made themselves 80 million dollars. Make a few of these videos each year and suddenly, Jehovah Of armies will lovingly tell them “no more messy printing, my people!!”
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