Gumby said:
How much re-search have you done on eastern religions who still practice beliefs older than christ?
The muslims...started about 600c.e. by the prophet Mohammed are still in existance, Budism...older than Jesus is still around, and many others. The triune god invented by constantine and his sidekick eusebius the liar, is going strong to this day also. Justy because a belief last a long time does not prove it's authenticity.
First of all, Constantine certainly didn't "invent" The Trinity, because, even non-Christian writings show that the first-century Christians worshiped Jesus as God, and also worshiped The Father as God, and, the writings of Paul clearly show that Christians believed that The Holy Spirit is God.
I understand your point, and it is a very good point. There are religions still practiced that are older than Christianity. And that alone does not mean they are true religions.
Last night, when I asked the question "How many myths from that time period still have followers today?", I should have worded the question differently, and explained and clarified better what I meant.
I should have asked:
How many people who claimed to be the Jewish 'Messiah' or 'Christ' still have followers today, 2,000 years later?
I believe Celsus was trying to say something like this in some of his writings:
"Why should I believe Jesus is any more special than any of the other people who claimed to be the Jewish Messiah or Christ?"
And the point I was trying to make was, that JESUS is the only person who claimed to be the Jewish Christ or Messiah that has followers 2,000 years later.
Gumby said:
One thing to keep in mind is that not all sceptics doubt there was a holy man named Jesus. Where the doubts come in is.......was Jesus all the things the bible perports him to be? Was he divine? Was he from above? Did he really perform miracles? Did he rise on the third day? Was he really god's son?
I agree. The reason I am posting information about whether or not Jesus even existed, is because Seedy asked me about it.
Many sceptics believe that the stories about him grew way out of proportion and were believed by many. Many believe what was truely written about him was later altered by the church to make him fit the person they wanted him to be.
I can understand why some think that. However, since Paul's writings were done in A.D. 50's and 60's, the Church would have had to have altered the writings about Jesus within 10-20 years after Jesus died, and during that time, Christians would have had to start believing the "myths", even though several of the actual writings about the regular person Jesus would probably still have been around, and eye-witnesses who saw Jesus would still have been around, and they should have been able to easily refute the claims that Jesus performed miracles.
Gumby said:
Even if some type of undeniable proof could be given of his existance.....that would not explain the horrible attrocities that were commited by his loving pa in the OT along with the allegorical stories it contains that clearly copied the pagans.
Well, I haven't even brought up the Ossuary that was found last year ["James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus"]. I'll try to post info on that soon too.
I believe in the absolute Sovereignty of God. I personally believe that God is Perfect and can do no wrong. His Nature will not allow Him to commit what He has defined as a sin. God has the right to punish whoever who deems as evil. Everything He did in the past was Perfect, and everything He does in the future will be Perfect. I cannot understand why He does everything He does, but I'm not going to stop believing in Him because I can't understand the reasons behind everything that the Infinite, Eternal, Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent Creator does. The Old Testament also does not always give the full details about what happened, and the reasons for what happened.
Gumby said:
I enjoy your honesty and your admitance to what you find is are a unique christian.
Thank You, and I also enjoy your honesty, and I enjoy hearing from you, and everyone else.