I would like to have your opinion on something if you don't mind. My girlfriends dog, a Scottish terrier, is a wonderful lovable dog about fiveyears old. My girlfriend owns a hair salon and takes her dog with her and the dog greets clients very lovingly. However, there are two or three men that come by and she barks angrily nonstop if they come by. Any ideas as to why the dog goes nuts with only a small amount of these clients???? ..... ex JWs know everything!
I Have A Question About A Dog
by minimus 16 Replies latest jw friends
First, do these men have simulacra attributes? Sometimes dogs who had a bad experience in the past will react that way to someone who appears similar. Secondly, are these people scared, or do they have negative feelings towards dogs? Dogs sense feelings. Third, trust the dogs instincts. Dogs and small children often can tell if something is off, don't try to make them accept someone they know is bad- that is a human trait. Put the dog in a safe place without scolding and lots of love while those patrons are there.
The humans could be innocent but look like the postman that regularly comes to the dogs house. Or there could be a bad association with something the human smells of.
Simple solution. Make the humans get out.
just fine
Sometimes it has to do with the energy they are giving off. Animals sense "vibes", so there is something there the dog isn't liking.
She goes crazy with a fisherman who comes into the salon and gives for free fish that he might have caught. The ex boyfriend comes in every so often and she growls like she's going to bite him and this guy who's a lawyer and has two dogs. She is generally extremely docile and very lovable.
She really has one of the nicest dispositions I've seen especially for a Scottish terrier
there are two or three men that come by and she barks angrily nonstop if they come by. Any ideas as to why the dog goes nuts with only a small amount of these clients????
You already mentioned the fisherman and the lawyer, otherwise I'd check if they could be JW pedophiles. Wolves in sheep's clothing really must have bad vibes!
Our dog hated a woman in the neighbourhood. No reason that any of us figure out. I think they can pick up on vibes. I do know dogs that don't like men.
Man hating dogs! Lol