Today's text:
Saturday, April 2
The little one will become a thousand.—Isa. 60:22.
Perhaps we live in an area where there are few Witnesses or where we do not see a lot of immediate results in our preaching work. Yet, remembering that the Kingdom arrangement can overcome all obstacles will strengthen us to endure. For example, when Brother Edwin Skinner arrived in India in 1926, there were only a handful of Witnesses in that country. Initially, there was little progress, and the work was described as “hard going.” But he kept on preaching and saw how the Kingdom message overcame great obstacles. In 2013 there were over 37,000 active Witnesses in India, with over 108,000 attending the Memorial. In the same year that Brother Skinner arrived in India, the work had just started in Zambia. Now over 170,000 publishers preach there, and 763,915 attended the Memorial in 2013. This means that 1 in every 18 persons in Zambia attended. What amazing growth! w1412/15 1:8, 9
Well, not that amazing - considering that JW's number just over 8 million in a world populated by 7.5 BILLION people!