Amazing Growth! Jehovah Is Blessing The Preaching Work!

by Divergent 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Divergent


    It was this kind of logic I used on my Dad when he said the bad economy during the 'Great Recession' we recently went through was the reason Armageddon was so close. If a bad economy is the reason Armageddon will come then shouldn't it have already arrived during the 'Great Depression' of the 1930s and not the recent 'Great Recession'? Crickets ensued... and I got the deer-in-the-headlights look from Dad.

    On the other hand, if things are going well, they would say that Armageddon is near because peace & security would come before Armageddon! Either way they think they are right - problems = the end is near, when things are good = the end is near! It's almost impossible to reason with them!

  • Absolutesbeginners

    Close to where i live there is a "used to be" KH .

    Now its sold , its a private place .

    With flowers and a nice car in front of it .

    But still a creepy house btw......

    Everytime i am passing by its reminds me "meetings" we made there before going doors to doors ...

    Last century ....

    i laught .And put up the music in my car .


  • alanv
    185 average publisher increase last year in UK. To get those, they spent over 24,000,000 hours. That is 130,000 hours to get one person. And that includes the kids of JWs lol
  • Absolutesbeginners

    130 000 hours for one person ?


    This poor person ...

    She REALLY wanted to make new "friends"

  • Heaven

    Divergent said: On the other hand, if things are going well, they would say that Armageddon is near because peace & security would come before Armageddon! Either way they think they are right - problems = the end is near, when things are good = the end is near! It's almost impossible to reason with them!

    And yet, Armageddon never arrives.

  • MarkofCane

    7000 hours to convert one single recruit !

    Ironically it only takes about 3 hrs on a site like this, to see through all there lie's.

    And unplug

  • Vidiot

    Divergent - "Either way they think they are right - problems = the end is near, when things are good = the end is near!


    I still suspect that former does far more to bolster their convictions than the latter, however.

    It's one of the reasons JWs in the developed world are so soft these days, compared to their predecessors. Modern life is - overall - simply much more improved than it was 50-odd years ago, even for people in lower-income brackets.

    Divergent - "It's almost impossible to reason with them!

    To paraphrase House MD, if you could reason with devout Jehovah's Witnesses, there'd be no Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • sir82

    Heard an experience recently....out of a 3 hour shift of "cart witnessing", one person wandered by and took a book.

    You'd have thought heavenly angels trilled on platinum trumpets. Everyone who heard about it just raved and raved, about how the Kingdom "must keep on increasing" and "seeds of truth are being planted" and oh my Jehovah, what a blessing!

    One book. 3 hours.

    It would be funny if it weren't so sad.

    Aw heck, it's funny too.

  • Heaven

    Hey sir82, you can expand this further. How many books did they place in a week, month, year from the cart witnessing? That person who took the book may have needed some fire starter. I'd use it as carbon material for my compost.

    Time shows just how slow this 'life saving' work really is and how useless it is as well.

    And where is Armageddon again on the great timeline of life / human history? A 100% NO SHOW, that's where.

  • Vidiot

    sir82 - "Everyone who heard about it just raved and raved, about how the Kingdom 'must keep on increasing' and 'seeds of truth are being planted' and oh my Jehovah, what a blessing!"

    That's just Witness-ese for "See? See? it's not a complete waste of time after all!!!"

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