The WatchTower and Higher Education

by Maverick 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • NeonMadman
    Yep, 14 yrs ago. So the 18 yr olds who passed on a better education are now 32 yrs old, and the "system" is still here.

    I passed on college after graduating high school in 1969 because Armageddon was so close. Now I'm 51, and mere weeks away from completing an Associates degree that won't do a bloody thing for me career-wise, but might serve as a good basis for working toward a Bachelors in another discipline. But I can tell you this: if you told any JW back then that Armageddon still wouldn't be here by 2003, they would have given you the stony "apostate stare" and changed the subject quickly (if they didn't walk away and shun you entirely).

  • danb71

    i know this thread is old, but i have to put my two cents in. i graduated in '89 and didn't go to college either, but pioneered instead. i wish i had fought a little harder but it was "the perfect career" right? didn't matter, my parents and the elders still had something to say about me working 5 days a week to support it.

    after leaving in '95, i didn't realize their stand on higher education had changed until hiring a jw who was attending college (!). what a kick in the ass that was!! what, too many kids were leaving so they had to throw them a bone?

    of course compared to, say, "new light" on organ transplants, this flip-flop was pretty tame.


  • freeman

    Imagine being let’s say 17 in 1969 and listening to the advice in Awake. So you are now over 50 and the arthritis is starting to kick in a bit more, and the back starts to not take the strain as well as it once did. You are still stuck in a low paying job and you work hard for every dollar you earn. You may not even own your own home because you were never able to save enough money for a down payment and / or your income to debt ratio never allowed you to qualify for a mortgage.

    If I were that person, I would be pretty mad, and rightfully so. And what responsibility does the Tower shoulder in all of this? None, nada, zip. The Dark Tower says: well we never said how long this system could go on, and if someone chooses a particular vocation or opts to forgo higher education, well that was their choice that they themselves made, we have no responsibility in that.

    Like the blood issue, the Tower has no responsibility, “it was their choice”.


  • Victorian sky
    Victorian sky

    I graduated in high school in the early 90s. I was torn between my non JW dad & inactive mom who insited on college and the congregation who were hell bent against it. One sister said, 'What if Armageddon comes while you're in college? Is an empty, selfish pursuit worth your life?' I had elders talk to me & 'well meaning, concerned' older sisters. I was even told no spiritual brother would want me because I'd have more education than him! So I went anyway & I pioneered & worked part-time. Nearly killed myself doing it but I'm still here. I'm going for my Masters at 31 and I can say that regrets is a huge waste of time. I used to think, I could of been this by now, I could of done that but I didn't! Life could have been better, it could have been worse. We all have to live with our choices and not let the borg get another second of our time or energy on what ifs. I know the borg has destroyed a lot of dreams and stolen many opportunities for people and I'm not minimizing that. I feel for all those affected. I know that the society doesn't acknowledge the damage done let alone take responsibility for the economic state of most dubs. Years later one sister said to me 'Well you know, the society never said we couldn't go to college'. I just looked at her. It's amazing how selective the memory is among the dubs, anything to protect the GB even if it kills them. It's never too late - if you have a dream - look into scholarships and grant opportunities -. A book I found really helpful is: Foundation Grants for Individuals. I say, we take back our dreams - Victorian Sky

  • sandy

    My situation is kind of funny in a way, my parents have always been "spiritually weak" yet they still advised me not to go to college. "what do you want to go to college for the "end" is so close. You would just be wasting your time."

    But let the heavens open for my brothers who decided to go to college. My mother is a little backwards on this. Her thinking is so old fashioned on this subject. She thinks Prince Charming is going to come and sweep me off my feet and take care of me.

    Not that I wouldn't like that, but let's get real here.

    I wish I would have went to college right after high school, but I cannot change the past. I can only plan my future at this point.

    I am finally in school trying to get my degree. Fortunately compared to others I only wasted 9 years.

  • bittersweet

    I think nowisee is my long lost twin. I wanted to go to college so bad.When I was in 8th grade,I delighted in selecting my high school college prep courses.Ok, I was a bit of an academic nerd.After choosing my courses, my mother informs me that I have to go to the Vocational School ( in those days the kids called it the "vacational" school )and learn a trade. She wanted me to be able to have a job fresh out of high school so I could support myself and regular pioneer. So after many arguments with my guidance counselor ( who said I was Harvard material and should not be going to a tech school ),my mom got her way and off I went to Vocational school. I gave up on any kind of further education, and got married at 18 and started having kids. I still have a lot of resentment over this, but I am planning to go to college some day. I figure I'll go when my kids go.....maybe we'll qualify for more financial aid that way! I remember being so mad when the society changed its policy on higher education.I also think it's hypocritical for the wtbs to have professional brothers ( like doctors or lawyers )working for them.How come they have a right to have a college education,but it's not ok for a regular jw to?

  • goofy

    oh, I could go on and on about this one. I am mid thirties and should have gone to college. Yes, I can go back now, but I cannot afford it, and keep my full time job. It was just assumed all through my growing up years that I would not go and it was wrong. My counselor wanted me to go so bad. I had 4.0 averages through High School. My Mom actually received a hard time at times about letting me go to a Tech School. To this day I am so mad and even more so when I read a slight change in the Tower's attitude toward this subject a few years back.

  • Mulan

    Congratulations, Jimbob. It is a wonderful accomplishment. I am so proud of you............and I'll bet your Mom is secretly proud too. She is a nice lady, even if she is dub.

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