Francois, I wish I could believe your kind and beautiful words, but I can't. Maybe I'm too brainwashed; I don't know. The Bible clearly indicates that many pesons will die at Armegeddon. I am guilty of fornication. No matter that there's nothing I can do about that right now (long story); I'm sinning and I know it. Fornication is wrong, according to the Bible.
I don't know if I can stop believing in the Bible. I absolutely hated it before I studied with JWs; in fact, I refused to open it at first. I used only the WTS books. That was my choice, because I used to see the Bible as an antiquated book for of hatred for women.
Now, I just don't know. The Bible and the JWs introduced me to Jehovah. As far as I know, no other group does that...tells people about Jehovah....I don't know.
I have prayed and prayed, and nothing Nothing. I am scared and confused. Totally drained from all of this. The very core of my belief system has been shaken by the revelation of what the WTS is really all about.
I've said it before and I'll say it again:
I just want to get to know the true God and do that God's will.
Is this asking too much? I really, at one time, thought the JWs were it....but I don't think they can be anymore...not after all I've learned. Maybe I"m wrong...maybe I'm making a big mistake.
I want to worship Jehovah his way. I don't know about other religions because I can't buy the Trinity or hell, either.
I don't know where to go.
I know that I have a lot of "internal" work to do, but I'm in such a daze all the time from the benzo withdrawal (long story); I feel like I've taken a bottle of NyQuil all the time, it never stops...(read the FAQ here and check out the symptoms: I have most and have had for a year now. Took Klonopin for ten years. I was fine on it. However, I lost my medical insurance and had to go off it. This is what happened:
Sorry to ramble. I am getting desperate. So much research, months of looking into the "truth about the truth"; I can't take anymore.
I'm beginning to think there are no answers and that we all just have to muddle along with only ourselves. Perhaps when I get better, I will learn to be content with that. I don't know.
I have never been so lost and confused in my entire life. My life fell apart when I got sick and I literally lost everything I had. Had to live with my abusive father...Tim was loving and let me stay here. He's generous and kind, he literally saved my life. But I'm fornicating, and I hate that. Doesn't stop me from doing it, though...
I just don't know what to do. It is painful to the extreme. I am getting obsessed with all this. I am so lost....
Where and how did everything go wrong?