I have Fybromyalgia/Cronic Fatigue.
It’s a horrible disease and while I was a dub it was worse then now. When I found out “The Truth” about “The Troof” I became more feverish, achy, throat so sore it was hard to swallow!
I am evening out now and as Mulan said it can go away.
Although in my case it seems to go away and return even with supplements.
Exercise is the best medicine for it as long as you’re eating healthy.
Caffeine, refined sugar, and refined flour are the worst for this condition causing more fatigue and pain. Also, Hydrogenated oils are also bad. Olive oil and safflower oil are good.
Hanging out with ridiculers is really bad for it as they add to your struggle to just finish your day.
I know Mulan sells supplements or something so maybe she has something she can recommend.
I go on 3-day fasts regularly and I have a 12-day cleansing diet routine that depending on how I feel I do about 3 times a year. Although can be done up to 6 times a year.
Some of the herbal teas I mix contain Fenugreek seed, Echinacea, Eleuthero root, Chamomile Flowers, Catnip Leaves, Tilia Flowers….etc.
Don’t go mixing Herbs without reading up and taking a class (or 2 or 3), as they can be lethal.
All your B vitamins including Folic acid are important as well potassium believe it or not. Potassium is great for the pain so remember this as bananas are a high sugar food and you’ll find sugars even natural ones bring you down. I love Fruits as apposed to Vegetables but found broccoli and other greens are my friend. Lemons are great though any low sugar fruit is great.
If you eat meat try to eat more Fish and Fowl. (I love steak so I do cheat)
It’s funny when I focus on the diet exercise routine I am often more energetic then so-called healthy people! But I do have relapses as your mood can affect your bio chemical make up. Thus learning how Corrupt and False The WTBS is was a real physical blow.
I got my Fybro/Cronic Fatigue from a car accident in which they thought I was to die…..then as I made myself move they thought I wouldn’t walk with out aid…..then although I walked with all the new physical symptoms and the finding of soft tissue damage (Something doctors about never check for) I was told I’d never lead a normal life…that I’d always need sleep aids and pain medication…steroids….etc…..I take NO DRUGS what so ever. I do have bad days though but at least I am grounded in reality and not a medicated world. (Or a controlling manipulative cult world)
{{{{{{hugz}}}}}} Wildfire I can say from experience that everything will be OK and I can tell from you post that you already have things in check now that you have a diagnosis.
Gotta Luvz Yaz Gurl Friend…..